
From Upper Iocrias, Mature at 16, Life Expectancy 90
  Many Ancient Elves went into hiding and cut themselves off from the magics of the world to avoid detection from the corrupted monsters eventually becoming Humans. Those in the cold north became Skel, the hot south Asir, and the ones in more temperate climates Aldasan.
  The Skel people are the Northern dwelling; shorter, wider, hardier cousins to the Asir Humans of South Iocrias,


Culture and cultural heritage

They are followers of Aladir who they believe guides them to victory and fortune. They believe that Fyr represents the darkness, unknown, and fear that their people must overcome

Common Dress code

Thick leathers and furs to protect from the cold climate

Art & Architecture

Pragmatic design trumps all when it comes to creation, they find beauty in the natural world instead

Coming of Age Rites

Every Skel that comes of age must go on a lone journey into the wilderness to discover their totem animal. Rarely, some skel may make a deeper connection with their totem animal allowing them to wildshape into that creature at will.
Choose totem animal for +1 to a noncombat skill, access to animal transformation sheet
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations


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