Zulex's Usurpers

Zulex Vlaston from another timeline formulated his plan to usurp control over the deepest metaphysical operations of the world, located in The Abyss, after a chance meeting with the Spindelarra. For the plan to work they would need 10 more allies. To facilitate this, they realized they would need more than the people they would have access to in the time they had. And so Zulex placed himself in a position to learn about coming events and get his hands on the powerful Staff of Inferno while allowing himself an opening to travel to the past and gather allies.   The members across time that they required and gathered included:   Zulex Vlaston who traveled back in time in his robotic spider form and this timeline's version in his still organic spider form for their extensive dark magical powers   Atrion Vlaston from the original timeline and the current ones, both able to have their souls replaced with parts of Zulex due to the modular nature of their bodies and their access to iridium   Holvir Vlaston who could be forced to represent Zulex's personality and would be useful for his adaptability   Raidriar Vlaston for his combat powers and Tiefling blood allowing a unique manipulation of Erebus   Kagrin Vlatson who could be convinced to join for the sake of his brothers would be used for his incredible deadly skill, unique Lich powers, and his ability to keep the family members in line   Spindelarra would keep her power over fate to ensure the events worked in her favor and use her connections to ensure the gods could not intervene   Nalfien would be used for his Deridah experience and incredible warding skills for holding off any concentrated Deridah wherever needed   Voight would be used for his mastery over soul magic to ensure they all entered The Abyss with their full power and could easily control their bodiless souls   Ezer would be used for his depths of magical power   Lachance could have his vanity used against him to be convinced to assist for the promise of power, and the assistance of an archfiend would be integral to getting access to what they need in the realm   They were finally stopped by the Raiders of the Abyss at the World Engine in the center of The Abyss.
Founding Date
220 in a previous timeline
Illicit, Rebel


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