
Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spindelarra was born to a group of sisters Swinela and Ravena on Aldas during the original creation of Loredas. They were selected by its creators to be among the land's new residents. Though it soon turned out that corruption had spread among the population, which was worsened by the Corrupted Invaders sending dark magic to the land.   The Gods of Loredas made the heavy decision to wipe the life from their world to protect it. The three sisters survived by dedicating themselves to dark magics. This twisted them into animal forms as they grew obsessed with their magics. Ravena the Raven Weaver of Space, Swinela the Pig Weaver of Time, and Spindelarra the Spider Weaver of Fate.   The Weavers were bitter over their so called saviors being so willing to cast life aside. And so they started studying magics to bend the world to their will. They attempted control of Elder Demons and Spirits for unknown purposes, but their plans were thwarted by the Ascended Heroes and Swinela was killed before they escaped.   The remaining weavers allied themselves with the Corrupted Invaders to learn the powers of Deridah in exchange for them lending their magical power. That alliance costed Ravena her life during the Battle of Mysdia.   Spindelarra continued to manipulate events behind the scenes for her own purposes, creating the spider race Anadi at the time an extra tool to be used down the line. Understanding the threads of fate, she worked to get the right people into the right places. This included assisting the members of Waterfront Industries by handing over one of the items Thaler had requested, and offering them some advice to ensure they would operate in a way useful to her plans.   She was seen again in Northern Iocrias by the Terrasque Slayers where she was feeding on the potential fates of various Skel victims. She was able to force Aria Luxord into offering a future favor to her while she continued to further her goals there.   As it turned out, this favor was part of her plan concocted with Zulex Vlaston. Once he had gathered a team she joined Zulex's Usurpers in trying to control the World Engine of The Abyss but once they were defeated by the Raiders of the Abyss her fate to be permanently trapped there was sealed.   Eventually finding the Keys of Azmodeus through some deciet among the rulers of the abyss and chaos of The Nothing War, she was able to escape and had surprisingly softened in her time watching the worst of the worst be punished for their crimes. She took on the moniker grandmother spider and serves as a trickster that preys on ambitious gods.


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