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Kidnap and Treason in Cornwall

Political event

Spring A.D. 492

Our knights are tasked by Count Roderick to help transport Queen Ygraine's newborn son away from danger, but deception is afoot and they are charged with treason for the theft of the King's son by Sir Brastias.

Our knights adventurous continued the difficult garrison at Tintagel, fighting off many Irish and local uprisings. One day, while going out on patrol they were approached by Count Roderick, who asked them to meet him at dusk for an important task.   Upon returning from their patrol, they found Count Roderick waiting for them under a tree at a distance from Tintagel. He informed them that he had learned of a plot on the life of Ygraine's newborn child and that they were to take the child and spirit him away from Tintagel to safety. Sir Bradwen suspected that something was off, but chose to ignore his suspicion and obey his liege.   The group went together to the postern gate of Tintagel, where they were met by Morgan carrying her newborn baby brother. Sir Roderick assured Morgan that they would take the child to safety and she handed him over.   After a short period of riding, our knights heard pursuers following and Count Roderick ordered them to delay the pursuers. Our knights turned back and Sir Monroe quickly engaged the leader of the knights, who was none other than Sir Brastias while Sir Felix used his excellent horsemanship to harry other knights who broke off in pursuit of Count Roderick and Sir Bradwen attempted to deescalate the situation.   After the trading of many fierce blows and harsh words another group of knights arrived to assist Sir Brastias--knights led by Sir Roderick! The other had been a fake and they quickly discerned that it had been Merlin in disguise. Our knights joined the party and attempted to pursue Merlin, but it was too late for he had disappeared into a fairy wood.   Several weeks later, our knights learned that Sir Brastias had accused them of treason to the king! Sir Elad and Bishop Roger arrived, having been sent by Count Roderick to be their council. Bishop Roger and Sir Elad asked them if they had ever said any treasonous words against the king that could be used against them and they denied it.   Our knights were then visited by the fanatical monk Fr. Dewi the Waterman, who put them to his own fierce interrogation. In the course of this interrogation, however, Sir Felix arranged for Sir Monroe to be baptized a Trinitarian Christian!   Later, our knights were brought to trial before King Uther. Sir Brastias made his accusation that they had kidnapped the king's son and Queen Ygraine asked for their execution. Each of our knights in turn got up and made an impassioned plea of their innocence and loyalty both to their liege lord and to the king. Then, Sir Elad and Bishop Roger spoke in strong words of Count Roderick's utmost support for the cause of the knights. Fr. Dewi then asked to speak and made the case that the king had been wrong to trust a pagan magician and devil's son and our knights had clearly been bewitched. He even brought forth Morgan as a witness to the truth of the story our knights told of Merlin's disguise.   Fr. Dewi asked for the pardon of our knights and that Merlin instead be exiled on pain of death. King Uther consulted with Archbishop Dubricus, the head of the Roman church in Britain, who supported this move.   Nodding, King Uther stood and declared, "Then let justice reign, here is the word of the King of Logres - these men are innocent of treason. They and all with like charged, are dismissed and ordered to see Archbishop Dubricus for blessing and purification from pagan taint. Furthermore, this court determines that Merlin the Enchanter was behind this, and he is herby condemned to death by this court as an exile and traitor to the crown, who has willingly and knowingly harmed the throne. Let this news be sent forth to all the lords and guilds for reading in public places. God Bless us all, this court is adjourned.”   Sir Brastias, however, told our knights that he would be watching them, and Queen Ygraine spoke to Monroe and said, "Don't forget what I know about you, 'Sir' Monroe."

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