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The Great Deeds of Our Knights Adventurous

The thrilling deeds and adventures of glorious knights in the time of the Pendragon kings.

King Uther Period

481 495

The period of the reign of King Uther, from his ascension to the throne in 481 to his death by poison at the Infamous Feast in 495.

  • A.D. 484
    The Knighting of Sir Bradwen, Sir Gaius, Sir Maelog, and Sir Monroe
    Life, Milestone

    In this year, Sir Bradwen, Sir Gaius, Sir Monroe, and Sir Maelog are knighted.

  • Summer A.D. 485
    The First Battle of Our Heroes
    Military action

    Sir Bradwen, Sir Gaius, and Sir Monroe fight their first battle against the Saxons and save Prince Madoc's life.

  • Christmas A.D. 485
    Sir Bradwen Falls in Love
    Life, Relationship change

    Sir Bradwen sees Rhiannon from Dragon Hill and falls instantly in love with her.

  • Summer A.D. 486
    The Adventure of the Sword Lake
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Sir Bradwen, Sir Gaius, and Sir Monroe help a goatherd get a sword.

  • Christmas A.D. 486
    The Sword Feast
    Political event

    King Uther and his court visit Sarum for a grand Christmas Feast and Merlin gives him the sword Excalibur.

  • Christmas A.D. 486
    The Unmasking of Monroe and the Conception of Mordu
    Life, Identity

    Sir Monroe's true identity is discovered by his friends and Mordu is conceived.

  • Spring A.D. 487
    Sir Bradwen has a Misadventure at His Wedding
    Life, Relationship change

    Sir Bradwen goes to his wedding, but Lord Gwawl tricks him into giving up his bride.

  • Spring A.D. 487
    Embassy to Lincoln
    Diplomatic action

    The knights go on an embassy to Lincoln with King Uther and help him win the loyalty of Duke Corneus. Sir Gaius met Sir Barda and learned more of Lady Arwen.

  • Spring A.D. 487
    Saexwulf the Saxon Makes Himself Known
    Military action

    The knights travel to Tintagel. During their journey, they are ambushed by the Saxon Saexwulf and meet Sir Brithael, Sir Jordan, and Sir Ralf.

  • Spring A.D. 487
    The Adventure of the Curse of Cornwall
    Diplomatic action

    The knights travel as an embassy to Cornwall and lift a curse that had fallen on the land.

  • Midsummer A.D. 487
    Sir Monroe Marries Lady Lisafleur

    Sir Monroe and Lady Lisafleur are married.

  • Fall A.D. 487
    Mordu is Born to Sir Monroe
    Life, Birth

    The child Mordu, son of Lady Maylene and King Uther, is born. It is claimed that he is the child of Lady Lisafleur by her husband Sir Monroe. Those counting the months smirk but think nothing more of it.

  • Spring A.D. 488
    The Adventure of the Wizard Bag

    Sir Bradwen and his friends go in disguise to Lord Gwawl's wedding and Sir Bradwen wins the hand of Lady Rhiannon.

  • Summer A.D. 488
    The Invasion of Frankland
    Military action

    The knights travel with Prince Madoc to France to aid Praetor Syagrius, and during their journey they get to know three Cornwall knights.

  • Winter A.D. 488
    Bradwen III is Born to Bradwen II
    Life, Birth

    Lady Rhiannon is delivered of a male child who is christened Sir Bradwen III.

  • Summer A.D. 489
    Excalibur's Peace
    Diplomatic action

    King Uther, fed up with Duke Gorlois's recalcitrance, takes his army to Cornwall but peace is struck at the last moment thanks to the Sword Excalibur and the word of Sir Bradwen, Sir Gaius, and Sir Monroe.

  • Summer A.D. 489
    The Rescue of Lady Arwen and the Desolation of Home
    Military action

    Sir Gaius learns of the capture of Lady Arwen by Saxon raiders and rides hard to her rescue, but Sir Gaius and Sir Bradwen return home to a terrible surprise.

  • Summer A.D. 489
    Sir Gaius Marries Lady Arwen

    After many trials, Sir Gaius finally marries Lady Arwen.

  • Winter A.D. 490
    Gaius Barda is born to Gaius Lucius and Lady Arwen
    Life, Birth

    Lady Arwen is delivered of a male child.

  • Summer A.D. 490
    The Battle of Lindsey
    Military action

    The knights fight in the Battle of Lindsey, and, though Sir Gaius is slain, the Saxons are defeated.

  • Summer A.D. 490
    The Great Victory Feast
    Gathering / Conference

    Our knights witness the beginning of Uther's infatuation with the Lady Ygraine, and Squire Felix is knighted before the whole kingdom by Count Roderick.

  • Fall A.D. 490
    Lady Arwen visits Sir Bradwen

    Lady Arwen visits Sir Bradwen to tell him a terrible secret and to make him swear revenge upon the Saxon Saexwulf and the Lady Siefe.

  • Christmas A.D. 490
    Prisoners of Courtesy
    Gathering / Conference

    Though Duke Gorlois asks Uther many times to be excused to return to his lands, the King, enflamed with lust for the Duke's wife, keeps Duke Gorlois and Ygraine by his side. In time, the King's advances towards Lady Ygraine became intolerable, and the Duke and his forces leave without permission.   Yet, while all this is going on, Lady Ygraine calls on the promise of help from Sir Monroe and asks him to bring Merlin to her. Monroe does so, and learns that Ygraine sought Merlin's help that she might lay with King Uther, for she desires him too.

  • Winter A.D. 491
    Rhoswyn Aerona is Born to Lady Arwen
    Life, Birth

    Lady Arwen is delivered of a female child conceived by her late husband before his death.

  • Spring A.D. 491
    The Taking of Tintagel
    Military action

    At the request of Merlin and aided by his magic, our knights help King Uther and Ygraine to attain their desire.

  • Spring A.D. 491
    Jeritza is born to Sir Monroe
    Life, Birth

    Jeritza is born to Sir Monroe. Her true father is Squire Bob.

  • Winter A.D. 492
    Aoife is Born to Sir Bradwen
    Life, Birth

    Lady Rhiannon is delivered of a female child.

  • Spring A.D. 492
    The Double Wedding of Margawse and Elaine

    Our knights adventurous witnessed the marriage of Margawse to King Lot of Lothian and Elaine to King Nentres of Garloth.

  • Spring A.D. 492
    Kidnap and Treason in Cornwall
    Political event

    Our knights are tasked by Count Roderick to help transport Queen Ygraine's newborn son away from danger, but deception is afoot and they are charged with treason for the theft of the King's son by Sir Brastias.

  • Winter A.D. 493
    Yvonne is born to Sir Monroe
    Life, Birth

    Yvonne is born to Sir Monroe. Her true father is Sir Cerwin.

  • Winter A.D. 493
    King Uther Falls Ill
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Rumors begin to spread that King Uther has fallen ill and is rarely seen in court.

  • Summer A.D. 493
    The Kidnapping of Minerva
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Monroe's sister Minerva is kidnapped by Sir Huw and taken on charges of treason to the Sheriff on Salisbury. Our knights use subterfuge to rescue her and secret her away to sanctuary with Archbishop Dubricus.

  • Summer A.D. 493
    The Saxon Kings Escape
    Political event

    Kings Octa and Eosa escape their captivity in London, but Uther is too sick to respond.

  • Summer A.D. 493
    Envoy to Eburacum
    Diplomatic action

    Count Roderick asks our knights to go with him to Eburacum to seek the help of the northern kings, and Sir Monroe makes a dangerous rendezvous. At Eburacum, the knights meet their old rival Saexwulf and learn that the northern kings are planning to make alliance with the Saxons.

  • Summer A.D. 494
    Lindsey Attacked
    Military action

    The Saxons come down and attack Lincoln. The Duke of Linsdey shuts himself in and Saxons ravage the countryside. Despite this assault on Logres, Uther does not respond and remains sequestered away from his court.

  • A.D. 494
    Our Knights Pursue Their Own Agendas

    Our knights avoid any major events this year and instead take care of various personal matters.

  • Fall A.D. 494
    Sif is born to Sir Monroe
    Life, Birth

    Sif is born to Sir Monroe. Her true father is Sir Cerwin.

  • Summer A.D. 495
    The Battle of St. Albans
    Military action

    All the knights of Logres gather to stop the Saxon advance at the city of St. Albans. Though King Uther is so ill he is born on a litter, the knights of Logres triumph against the barbarian horde. Our knights adventurous save the life of Count Roderick and slay their Saxon rival Saexwulf.

  • Summer A.D. 495
    The Infamous Feast
    Disaster / Destruction

    A grand feast is held in St. Albans, but tragedy strikes when the nobles of Logres are poisoned and Logres descends into anarchy.

  • Summer A.D. 495
    Councils and Broken Fellowship in Salisbury
    Gathering / Conference

    Countess Ellen summons the most loyal knights of Salisbury to seek their support in ruling till her son comes of age. Sir Monroe unmasks as Dame Maylene and is acknowledged as a knight by Lady Ellen, but Bradwen and Sir Felix learn of Maylene's treachery and swords are drawn.

  • Winter of A.D. 495
    Young Sif Dies
    Life, Death

    Dame Maylene's young daughter Sif dies at the age of one.

  • Winter A.D. 495
    Sir Felix Marries Lady Morwenna

    Despite the dark times in Logres, Sir Felix and Lady Morwenna, the sister of Sir Bradwen, are married in a joyous ceremony.

  • Winter A.D. 495
    Roderick is born to Sir Bradwen
    Life, Birth

    A son is born to Sir Bradwen II and Lady Rhiannon.

  • Christmas A.D. 495
    The Sword in the Stone
    Era beginning/end

    The land grows dark, the Saxon menace hovers like a glooming cloud, those who travel abroad in the land even say that the wilderness has encroached seemingly overnight, making former highways into mere trails and turning formerly habitable land into wastelands. Indeed, the land of Tribuit to the north of St. Albans has entirely vanished into a black and forboding wood. Yet in the darkness comes a sign, on the feast of Christmas in London, as the snow fell and the men and women left Mass for home, they saw in the court of the cathedral a wonder - a sword stuck fast in a stone, and on the stone inscribed the words, “Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of all England.”

Anarchy Period

496 509

Almost all of the nobles of Logres have been poisoned, leaving the land bereft of leadership, and into this void comes the ravages of the Saxon hordes.

  • Winter A.D. 496
    Sir Felix is given the Manor Newton Tony as His Own

    Lady Ellen gives the now vacant manor Newton Tony to Sir Felix as a reward for his service.

  • Winter A.D. 496
    The Twins Cassius and Canus are born to Sir Felix
    Life, Birth

    Lady Morwenna is delivered of male twins.

  • Spring A.D. 496
    Aethelswith Demands Tribute
    Political event

    Lady Ellen holds court in Sarum with her privy council. While in court, Aetheling Aescwine arrives as envoy for his father Aetheling Aethelswith of Essex and demands that Sarum pay tribute of 100 cattle and 100 silver as a guarantee of peace. After much deliberation with her knights, Lady Ellen decides to pay tribute, but also to invest in improving the defenses of Sarum.

  • Summer A.D. 496
    The Squires and the Wolf

    The squires of Our Knights Adventerous are sent by Lady Ellen to Archbishop Dubricus to retrieve the knucklebone of St. George in hopes it might help drive off the wolves that had been tormenting the shepherds of Salisbury. Along the way, they discover scandal and meet a wicked robber knight.

  • Summer A.D. 496
    King Cerdic Calls for Fealty
    Political event

    King Cerdic sends his son Cynric to invite envoys of Lady Ellen to a feast in Hamshire, which Cerdic has recently conquered. Reluctantly, the knights attend the feast and agree to an alliance with King Cerdic, who promises them protection in exchange for their loyalty.

  • Spring A.D. 497
    Saxons Demand More Tribute
    Political event

    Aetheling Aescwine comes to court and demands tribute on behalf of Essex, while Aetheling Cynric demands tribute on behalf of Wessex.

  • Spring A.D. 497
    Terror at Newton Manor
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the behest of his wife, Sir Bradwen holds a feast at his manor for his friends and family to lighten spirits in the dark time of the Anarchy. Instead, disaster strikes and Sir Bradwen's lands are ravaged, his wife kidnapped, and Squire Kestrel mutilated. Moreover, Sir Felix cheats on Bradwen's sister during the feast.

    Newton Manor
  • The Winter of A.D. 497
    In Payment for His Many Sins, Tragedy Befalls Sir Felix
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Lady Catrin II, with whom Sir Felix had an affair at Newton Manor, and Sir Felix's wife Lady Morwenna, both become pregnant by him and die in childbirth. The children born to them pass shortly after.

  • The Winter of A.D. 497
    Sir Felix Marries Lady Arwen

    Still full of sorrow, but desirous of the good of his children, Sir Felix seeks the hand of Lady Arwen of Shrewton Manor and they were quickly wed.

    Shrewton Manor
  • Summer of A.D. 498
    A Haunting at the Abbey

    Sir Bradwen, Sir Felix, and Dame Maylene rescue the sisters of Glastonbury Abbey and their guests, but Sir Felix engages in a dangerous affair while an an old enemy shows her face.

  • Summer of A.D. 499
    Dame Maylene Pays Her Debts
    Life, Wealth

    Dame Monroe and her entourage visit Sir Cledwyn and pay him back the dowry that Dame Monroe had received in exchange for her false marriage in hopes of heading off a feud and restoring her honor. She even suggests to Sir Cledwyn that she might marry his son.

  • Summer of A.D. 499
    The Wolves of Rydychan County
    Political event

    Our knights adventurous ride into Rydychan county to find and rescue Lady Rhiannon, but are swept up into the local political struggles and strange magical. Sir Bradwen is thrice taken to deaths door but revived by a white stag, a werewolf knight and Lord Gwawl are killed, and Lady Rhiannon is saved.

  • A.D. 500
    Sir Monroe's Amorous Summer
    Life, Relationship change

    While recovering from injuries, Sir Monroe gets three bastards on lowborn women from the village, returns to being Dame Maylene, and begins courting Sir Price.

    Pitton Manor
  • Spring of A.D. 500
    Sir Felix the Mercenary
    Military action

    Sir Felix, desperate for funds thanks to the Saxon demand for tribute, hires himself out as a mercenary to King Idres of Cornwall. He is severely injured in the fighting.

  • Summer of A.D. 500
    Sir Felix's Courtly Summer
    Life, Career

    Sir Felix spends the rest of his summer in court at Sarum, spending much of it in the company of young Robert. In the process, he rediscovers some of the good things in life such as falconry and gaming.

  • Spring of A.D. 501
    Dame Monroe Marries Sir Price

    Dame Maylene at last secures a legal marriage.

  • Summer of A.D. 501
    Dame Maylene Returns to Tintagel and Learns of an Auspicious Birth
    Diplomatic action

    Dame Maylene is sent by Lady Ellen as an envoy to Tintagel. While she is a guest of Sir Cador, she hears a story that a boy named Tristram was born to the Queen of Lyonese, who tragically died in childbirth.

  • Summer of A.D. 501
    The Wedding of Princess Morgan

    Sir Felix is sent by Lady Ellen with a troupe of knights to help escort Princess Morgan and Queen Ygraine to Morgan's wedding. Sir Felix discovers a scene of disturbing carnage, but the wedding goes off without a hitch. Sir Felix receives a dire prophecy from Morgan.

  • Summer of A.D. 501
    Sir Felix goes to Cambria
    Diplomatic action

    Sir Felix is sent by Lady Ellen to be a guest of Sir Ector in Cambria, where he becomes acqainted with Ector's son Kay and his foster son Ambrose.

  • Fall of A.D. 501
    Kireg is Born to Sir Felix and Lady Arwen
    Life, Birth

    Lady Arwen is delivered of a male child.

  • A.D. 502
    A Year of Relief
    Political event

    The arrogance of Cyning Cwichelm gives the people of Salisbury a much needed respite. Sir Felix spends more time with young Lord Robert.

  • A.D. 503
    Dame Maylene's Betrayal
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    While serving garrison duty, Dame Maylene is visited by Lady Siefe, who asks her to allow a single patrol of Silchester knights to slip by. She promises this will bring ruin to one of Maylene's enemies. Dame Maylene agrees, and leads her companions away from the raiding knights. The Silchester knights encounter another patrol led by Sir Huw, killing many of them and gravely injuring Sir Huw.

  • A.D. 503
    The Sins of Sir Huw

    Having been gravely injured by the raiding Silchester knights Dame Maylene allowed to enter Salisbury, a delerious Sir Huw shows up at Newton Tony Manor In his fevered state, he reveals to Sir Felix that it was he who conspired to help Saexwulf sack Gaius and Bradwen's manors and kidnap Arwen.

  • A.D. 504
    Trouble with Silchester
    Military action

    This year the Saxons continue to raid throughout Britain. Taking advantage of the chaos this causes, Sir Macsen raids into Salisbury with Silchester knights. Sir Felix is on garrison duty and repels Macsen's raid.   In retaliation, Dame Maylene takes a force of Salisbury knights and raids into Silchester, extracting £7 from Macsen's manor. For her service, Lady Ellen gifts Dame Maylene with a marvelous magical ring.

  • Fall of A.D. 504
    The Ruination of Sir Huw by Sir Felix

    Sir Felix schemes in court for the sins of Sir Huw to be revealed. When they come out, Lady Ellen strips him of his rank and title and gifts his manor to Sir Felix. The rumor even spreads that Sir Huw was responsible for the poisoning at The Infamous Feast.

  • Summer of A.D. 505
    The Saxons Invade Salisbury
    Diplomatic action

    A Saxon army led by King Cerdic invades Salisbury for their refusal to pay him homage, but King Nanteleod joins forces with Salisbury and drives the Saxons off.

  • Summer of A.D. 505
    Dame Maylene Bests Sir Basile
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Sir Beleus arrives in Salisbury seeking justice for the death of his brother Sir Bege. Dame Maylene challenges him to a duel to first blood and beats him in single combat, vindicating justice of Bege's death.

  • Winter of A.D. 505
    A Dire Winter's Feast
    Life, Identity

    At a night of Winter's Feasting a strange man shows up at Newton Tony Manor and declares himself to be Elfyn, the bastard child of Sir Felix who was taken and raised by the King of the Forest Sauvage. He prophesies that Sir Felix will die alone, to which Sir Felix replies, "All men die alone."

  • A.D. 506
    Rumors of a New High King
    Political event

    While serving garrison duty in Salisbury, Sir Felix and Dame Maylene hear rumors that King Nanteleod is seeking to having the Supreme Collegium meet to declare him High King. Support for this idea is strong in the county. Meanwhile, news is that he and King Idres are gearing up for war with each other in Summerland as they both seek to be High King.

  • A.D. 506
    Maelog Departs on a Quest

    A mysterious stranger comes to court in Sarum and tells Sir Maelog he can learn who his mother is if he goes on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Sir Maelog requests leave of Lady Ellen and departs on a quest to learn the secrets of his past.

  • Summer of A.D. 506
    Swords in Summerland
    Military action

    Dame Maylene and a force of knights are sent by Lady Ellen to Summerland. There in the swamps, Maylene overcomes many magical trials and makes an alliance between King Nanteleod and the King of Summerland.

  • Summer of A.D. 506
    The Great Horse Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A plague, or perhaps, it is whispered, a curse, passes through Salisbury and wipes out many of the counties horses. Both the herds of Sir Felix and Dame Maylene are decimated.

  • Fall of A.D. 506
    The Sword of Brutus

    Hearing of the losses suffered by Sir Felix and of the revenge he got for his daughter Arwen, Sir Barda travels to Salisbury and gifts Sir Felix with a bronze sword which he says was brought by Brutus to Britain out of the fallen city of Troy in ancient days.

  • A.D. 507
    Sir Barda Dies and a New Hate is Born
    Life, Death

    King Lot invades Cumbria and Sir Barda goes to war in defense of his home. He is slain by King Ryons, the giant ally of King Lot. When Sir Felix hear the news, hatred grows in his heart for King Lot.

  • Summer of A.D. 507
    Skirmishing in Summerland
    Military action

    Skirmishing begins in Summerland between King Nanteleod and King Idres, but though King Nanteleod and King Cawdwy manage to retake Summerlands castles and towns from King Idres, true battle is never joined. Sir Felix and Dame Maylene join in the fighting until news of raiding Saxons forces them to return home to Salisbury.

  • Summer of A.D. 507
    The Lay of Dame Maylne
    Artistic creation

    While traveling the swamps of Summerland, Dame Maylene meets an old lady on the road who asks a drink of mare's milk. Dame Maylene obliges and the lady reveals herself to be an enchantress and blesses Maylene, telling her that because of her kindness, a bard will write a song of Maylene's story that will spread throughout the land.

  • A.D. 508
    Anarchy Descends Again
    Military action

    King Nanteleod goes to war against the Saxons and takes them in battle at Netley Marsh. He is slain when Prince Cynric surprises him from the rear with an unprecedented assault of mounted Saxon Warriors.   Both Sir Felix and Dame Maylene fight in the battle and Sir Felix is nearly slain by the Saxon Ranwulf.   As anarchy descends again, Salisbury is plundered by the Saxons and the horse plague strikes again, killing many of the county's remaining horses.

  • Winter of A.D. 509
    Love Blossoms in the Snow and a Son is Born
    Life, Birth

    As winter snow sits over Salisbury and the Saxons menace the land, Sir Felix lays abed in recovery, but as Lady Arwen tends his wounds true love blossoms between them and they conceive and give birth to a son whom they name Morthwyl.

  • Summer of A.D. 509
    Robert is Knighted and Takes His Seat as Count
    Life, Milestone

    Citing the dire state of Salisbury and recalling the tale of how his friend Sir Felix was knighted young by his father, Robert demands to be knighted at the young age of 18 and takes his father's seat as Count of Salisbury.

  • Winter of A.D. 509
    A Tournament is Called
    Political event

    Saxons pillage across Britain with impunity, many lie dead, and Salisbury pays exacting tribute to the Saxon invaders to hold back even worse horrors. In many ways, it feels like the world is back in 495 again.   Yet in the midst of this darkness, the Supreme Collegium announces that next year a non-lethal tournament will be held in London and that the winner of that tournament will be declared High King.   It is also said that they will discuss the matter of the sword in the stone.