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The Kidnapping of Minerva

Life, Trauma/ Loss

Summer A.D. 493

Monroe's sister Minerva is kidnapped by Sir Huw and taken on charges of treason to the Sheriff on Salisbury. Our knights use subterfuge to rescue her and secret her away to sanctuary with Archbishop Dubricus.

Returning home from a mission to find out more information about the missing King Pellinore, Sir Monroe found that his manor had been attacked by Sir Huw and several of his knights and that they had kidnapped Monroe's sister Minerva. According to Sir Cerwin, who they had attacked, Sir Huw had a letter from the Sherrif of Salisbury for the arrest of Minerva, alleging that she had written letters to Cornwall warning them of King Uther's plans to attack. This letter, of course, had been written by Sir Monroe, but Monroe could not admit to it.   Sir Monroe rode out to pursue Sir Huw and encountered Sir Bradwen and Sir Felix, who were on their way to visit Monroe. Learning of what had taken place at Manor Pitton, Sir Bradwen and Sir Felix pursuaded Monroe to take a less direct route.   Instead of going directly after Sir Huw, the knights went to Sarum and spoke with Lady Ellen, who counseled them to get Lady Minerva away from the sheriff by subterfuge and spirit her away to Archbishop Dubricus at Carlion-on-Usk, as Dubricus was the only clergyman with enough authority to defy King Uther.   Our knights went back to an old trick of theirs and Sir Bradwen and Sir Felix dressed as ladies to try and sneak into Llud's Hall and escape with Minerva. At the same time, Sir Monroe went in as himself in order to create a distraction.   Sir Bradwen and Sir Felix were successfully able to go in disguised as women pretending to be postulants for religious life and were allowed to go into the gaol to give succor to Lady Minerva. They managed to spirit her away and took her to Carlion-on-Usk to get sanctuary from Archbishop Dubricus. Because of this scheme, the rumor spread that Archbishop Dubricus had defied the kings authority and sent religious sisters as his agents to rescue Lady Minerva for purposes of his own.

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