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Councils and Broken Fellowship in Salisbury

Gathering / Conference

Summer A.D. 495

Countess Ellen summons the most loyal knights of Salisbury to seek their support in ruling till her son comes of age. Sir Monroe unmasks as Dame Maylene and is acknowledged as a knight by Lady Ellen, but Bradwen and Sir Felix learn of Maylene's treachery and swords are drawn.

Countess Ellen called a council of the most trusted knights of Salisbury, asking them to aid her in maintaining the authority of her house until her son Robert should come of age. Sir Tulduc rose and opposed this, saying that he believed strong male leadership was needed in a time such as this. It was clear to our knights that Sir Tolduc was speaking on behalf of Sir Huw and testing the waters for a coup against the noble house of Salsibury, but Sir Monroe opposed him, revealing himself to be Maylene. Lady Ellen acknowledged both Maylene's support and her knighthood, naming her Dame Maylene.   However, Sir Edwin, former squire of Bradwen, stood up and argued that Maylene's behavior was a perfect reason why no woman should lead, but Sir Felix countered him and suggested that Ellen rule with the advice of a council of knights. This was agreed upon by all present.   After this general council, Countess Ellen asked to speak with Sir Bradwen, Sir Felix, and Dame Maylene. Lady Ellen told them she knew their was a traitor in Salisbury, but was sure it could not be Bradwen or Felix since this traitor had tipped his hand by helping the Saxons to attack their manors. Maylene, she said, she could trust since Maylene was so close to the others. Lady Ellen thus told our knights adventurous that she would listen to their council above all others in Salisbury.   A few weeks later, Dame Maylene called Sir Bradwen and Sir Felix to her manor. She showed them her captive, whom she promised to release, saying she simply had held him for a short time because she believed he had been responsible for Uther's illness and feared he might try and take the throne of Logres. She then sent Sir Brastias away and told Bradwen and Felix of the part she had played in the poisoning of the nobility, though she insisted she had only wanted to poison King Uther. Upon hearing this news, Sir Bradwen flew into a rage and drew his sword, aiming to bring down Maylene in order to take her to Lady Ellen. Sir Felix tried to intervene, but failed, and Sir Bradwen's sword slipped and brought Maylene to the point of death. Felix, however, had upon him his heirloom, the Miraculus Medication of Sextus Empiricus, which brought Maylene back from the brink.   Nevertheless, Sir Bradwen kidnapped Maylene and took her to Lady Ellen to reveal her crimes. Lady Ellen, for her part, was distressed to learn this news. She told our knights that she could not reveal this knowledge, for her her hold on power was tenuous and if she revealed that a woman she had just acknowledged as a knight had in fact been responsible for the Infamous Feast, it would give those who questioned her leadership ammunition, and so she decided not to punish Maylene, but also told her she would never forgive her for what she had done.

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