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Amwythig (aˈmʊɨ̯θɪɡ)

Amwythig is an island in the Gulf of Pengwern. It is most famous as the former seat and last bastion of the Kingdom of Pengwern. Today, the most prominent institution on the island is Sonnigtal College, the second most prestigous seat of learning, after Foxbridge College in Bernicia. The high cliffs that surround the Gulf give the impression of being inside a bowl, and the students sometimes call the island 'The Bottom of the World'.    The largest town on Amwythig is named Llawenydd. Once this was the capital of the Kingdom of Pengwern, but since being conquered by Creoda, the town has shrunk tremendously. Today, it is mostly used as a ferry port for students and faculty of Sonnigtal College. Much of the town is abandoned as people have moved to more prosperous regions, and the town is filled with empty buildings. On the hill overlooking the town, the ruins of Pengwern Castle stand - it was destroyed during the Creodan invasion and never rebuilt. There are rumors of dark things living beneath the ruins, and some say that Dungeon Squirrels may have infested the site. 

Notable Spirits

Like the rest of the Gulf of Pengwern, Amwythig is strangely bereft of native spirits ever since the Conquest of Ynys by the Clarati. During the time, the gods of the region were subdued by the sorcerer Illustrata, and have never emerged. Instead, the water, land, and air of the area feels strangely invested with energy. Most people learn to ignore the eldritch atmosphere of the island, but some find it to be intolerable, and every few years a student new to the island will leave suddenly, frequently in the middle of the night.


The island is quite flat, with only a few low hills. The beaches are rocky, with large stones offshore that jut out of the waves. These are said to be the remnants of stone circles that once stood on the island, but have since been scattered into the waters. They create a hazard to any large ship seeking to reach the island, and the only clear approach is straight into the harbor at Llawenydd at the western edge of the island.


Most of the island is covered in grass, with only a few trees, mostly planted around the college. Insects and spiders are the most common animals, and hares and rats are the largest mammals in the wild. At night, bats from the big island swoop overhead, but they mostly roost in cliffside caves on the walls of the gulf and not on Amwythig itself. The population has introduced cattle and sheep, but they do not thrive well, and require fodder to be brought in from outside to remain healthy. The waters of the gulf are largely inhabited by the Ynys Oilfish, which is similar to a sardine and serves as a staple of the local diet.


The island is known for its frequent storms in winter and constant fog in summer. It is common to say that the students at the College do so well because there is little reason to ever go outdoors. It is common for the island to be completely cut off during the winter months. On the rare day where the naked sun shines on the island, the students universally abandon their studies in favor of celebrating the rare and precious clear sky.
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 50.15 degrees North
Longitude: 71.84 degrees East
Average Elevation: 13 ft
Highest Point: 466 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 146.2 sq mi


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