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Gulf of Pengwern

The Gulf of Pengwern is a body of water nearly surrounded by the Wrikon Peninsula to the north, and the Pengwern Peninsula to the south. The island of Amwythig is in the center of the gulf, and was the seat of the short-lived Kingdom of Pengwern that arose after the fall of Wuffa. It is also the location of the Sonnigtal College, the most acclaimed institution of learning in southern Ynys, and only second only to Foxbridge College in reputation across Ynys as a whole. 

Notable Spirits

The Gulf of Pengwern was once considered to be a holy place, blessed by the spirits of the sea and land. However, during the The Conquest of Ynys, the Clarati Illustrata used alien magic to subdue the spirits of the gulf, binding them in ways that have not been unraveled even centuries later. The waters of the gulf, and the land of the islands and the peninsulas surrounding it are all strangely bereft of spiritual activity. Those who have the gifts to feel such things claim that the spirits are still there, but strangely altered - their essence is fused directly into the physical matter of the Gulf in a manner that is not replicated elsewhere. This has left the area infused with spiritual energy, but without the active spiritual presences found in the rest of the Great Ring.


The Gulf of Pengwern is fairly shallow, and known for rough waters and difficult sailing. Ever since the binding of the gulf's spirits, the waves and tides in the gulf have been unnaturally high and turbulent, a fact which makes the island of Amwythig much easier to defend but somewhat isolated as well. The shores of the gulf are mostly high cliffs that seem t like the walls of the world from inside the gulf itself.


Compared to the other waters around Ynys, the Gulf of Pengwern has little variety. While the waters are filled with fish, they are almost all of the same species, the Ynys Oilfish. This is a small fish similar to a sardine, which has a remarkable amount of oil in its body - so much so that it can be burned as a candle right out of the water. On land, the islands are also without much diversity, and the largest animal native to the islands of the gulf is the common hare. Livestock such as sheep and cattle have been imported by the inhabitants, but attempts introduce large game such as deer have failed.


Weather within the Gulf is characterized by heavy storms that form and stay over the area, especially during the winter. It is not uncommon for the islands in the gulf to be inaccessible for weeks or months at a time due to the rough waters and dangerous winds. During the spring and summer, the Gulf is blanketed in heavy fog, obscuring everything beyond a few feet. It is said that a clear day in the gulf is so rare that those who live there will throw improptu celebrations on sunny days.
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