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Crveni Lighthouse

The Crveni Lighthouse is located on the island of Osor in the Korabovi Islands. It serves as a navigational landmark, and is a part of the Ring of Light. It is unsual in that it has had no living lightkeepers for over a century.

The lighthouse keepers of Crveni had made a practice of hospitality, as many of the chapters of the Order of the Lightkeepers do. When a ship bearing a dangerous plague wrecked itself on the shore of Osor, the keepers of Crveni did their best to aid the survivors. This act of charity doomed them all, as the plague spread rapidly through the lighthouse and the small village of Čuvar. Fearing that the plague would spread to Otok and beyond, the keepers destroyed the causeway that connected the two islands, and furthermore begged their goddess to seal the island away. She granted their request, and no living person has been able to reach the island since.

Despite there being no living beings on Osor, the lighthouse continues to operate. The light has taken on a cold quality, and sailors who pass the island are quick to pour out a glass for the dead lighthouse, lest the light lay a curse upon them. Strange lights are seen elsewhere on Osor as well, and many speculate that the spirits of the dead were unable to leave after the goddess sealed the island away. The Order of the Lightkeepers has attempted several times to communicate with Crveni via Lighthouse Signaling, but while it does relay messages on, it has not given any reply of its own.

More recently, the Hleemeentreezee advisor to the Kar of Vlast has expressed interest in the lighthouse, and has attempted to land on Osor. This failed, but the advisor was not deterred, and plans future attempts.

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