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Otok (ǒtok)

Otok is the second largest island in the Korabovi Islands, being very slightly smaller than Kurikum. It was once joined to the smaller island of Osor by a causeway, but this connection was severed by the keepers of the Crveni Lighthouse in the last days of the plague which left the smaller island Osor abandoned and haunted.

While Otok was spared the ravages of the plague that killed Osor, it was not spared the horrors of war. During the conquest of the island by the Empire of Vlast, the residents of Otok were punished harshly by the forces of Nabijač, the Kar of Vlast. She had spent the better part of her youth as a hostage on Otok, and was tormented by her captors for her southern origin and her albinism. When she returned to the island at the head of an army, she came with revenge in her heart.

The scourging of Otok is one of the great horrors of the age. Nabijač ordered every egg on the island smashed, and every adult Pozoj to be executed via impalement, lining the streets of the towns with stakes bearing screaming bodies. When they finally perished, she refused to allow the children of Otok to bury their elders or flee the haunted towns and villages. Instead, she required that all the young people of Otok be maimed. Each child was ordered to sacrifice a hand, foot, eye or tongue to the invaders. Those too young to make a choice of what to sacrifice were taken from the island, and made servants of the conquerors. Some of the Pozoj of Otok fled before they could be captured, and most of those have wound up on the island of Selig, far to the north. Others have escaped the Empire since the conquest, and there are constant rumors that the refugees are building an army at Selig to overthrow Nabijač.

Notable Spirits

Otok is a haunted island, and the most numerous spirits are the ghosts of those executed by the Empire of Vlast during their invasion. While some of these restless spirits have faded over the years, most are still vibrant and tortured, and manifest nightly in the towns and villages where they once lived. The patron goddess of Otok was named Bojana, but she has not manifested since shortly before the invasion, and there are none alive on Otok who are still familiar with the intricacies of her worship. It is not known how the Empire prevented Bojana from assisting in her island's defense, but many believe that the goddess was slain at Nabijač's behest.


The island is hilly, with several low mountains. The highest point is Vrhovje Gora, located near the center of Otok. The hills are heavily forested, and the major source of drinking water is Dvorsko Jezero, a large body of water that rests in the shadow of the mountains.


Otok is heavily forested. The northern portion of the island is cooler and rainier than the south, and the trees here are mostly deciduous, while the southern area is dominated by evergreens. The island is known for having an unusually high population of snakes, mostly non-venomous.

The coastal areas of Otok are the home to a strange and dangerous beast known as the Bukavac. This is a grey-scaled six-legged lizard the size of a hippopotamus that only appeared after the massacres by the Empire of Vlast. The Bukavac is a noisy creature, and its stange coughing cry can be heard for miles. It walks upon the second and third pairs of legs, while the front set is longer and has hands with large claws. The Bukavac is a carrion-eater, and crams bodies into its wide mouth and swallows them whole. When full, it will sleep on the shore and let the waves crash over it; when it is asleep, it bears a strong resemblence to a boulder. It can move quickly when it needs to, but will not pursue prey if there is easier food at hand. The Bukavac has bright blue eyes and twisted horns, and locals claim that making eye contact with it brings evil luck, and will cause the violent death of the victim within three days unless the beast is slain.

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Owning Organization
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 44.84 degrees North
Longitude: 54.92 degrees East
Average Elevation: 203 ft
Highest Point: 2,638 ft (Vrhovje Gora)
Lowest Point: -13 ft
Area: 156.67 sq mi

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