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Many things were created by the Clarati sorcerer Fulmen in his Bestarium at Eoforwic. One of the best known (after Llywelyn's Dragon) is the Eofordræht, a potion that continues to be potent to this day. The name of Eofordræht was given to the potion by the Eot people who live in Gewisse today - Fulmen named it Vis Borarum and the Ynyswr call it Gwaed Yr Hwch.


The Eofordræht is designed to imbue the person who drinks it with the strength and stamina of a wild boar. It does achieve that - those who consume the potion are significantly stronger and more durable than they were before. However, it also ignites a burning fury within them that they struggle to control. They are called the Eofor, and are prone to fits of violent rage in which they destroy anything and everything within reach. Each time one of the Eofor succumbs to the rage, they transform further, becoming increasingly bestial. Eventually they become gigantic, monstrous boars with the intelligence and cunning of humans. The Eofor typically withdraw into the deep woods long before the final transformation, and have been seen living in small groups, or integrating themselves into populations of wild swine. They even breed with the wild pigs, and their offspring are larger and more clever than natural animals. In the northern parts of Gewisse, bands of Eofor pose a risk to travelers, and there is a bounty laid upon their heads.


The formula for the Eofordræht was lost with the death of Fulmen, but the substance itself persists in the bodies of the Eofor. Their blood contains the potion, and those who consume it are transformed. Some groups of Eofor will forcibly create new members of their bands, to use as intermediaries with human societies, allowing them to engage in trade for goods they cannot acquire in the forest. It is rumoured that Conomor the Cursed of Dumnonia also has a source of Eofordræht, and uses it to augment some of his shock troops. Another rumour is that the king of Gewisse, Leofric Eafason, has expressed an interest in creating Eofor units, and has set out traps to capture the Eofor and harvest the Eofordræht.


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