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Fulmen (ˈ

Fulmen was one of the Clarati sorcerers who ruled Ynys for a thousand years before the destruction of Sange and the Age of Warlocks. He claimed the southeastern portion of the island, in the region now occupied by the Kingdom of Gewisse and eastern Creoda. His interests largely focused on the creation of novel creatures via the manipulation of the Egregoric Force; like the other Clarati who came west to the Great Ring, he was fascinated by the power of belief and narrative, and sought to understand its abilities and limits. During the initial Conquest of Ynys he cooperated with the other Clarati in subduing and binding the Ellyll to prevent them from interfering with their activities, but once control over the island was established he would only rarely interact with his colleagues.

After establishing his territory, Fulmen began construction on the Bestarium, a location where he could experiment with the creation of new forms of life. This complex occupied a great square, three miles on a side and surrounded by high walls. Here, he made monsters. Dragons were born in the Bestarium, along with many other creatures, some of which survive to this day. The most famous of his creations was the massive beast known as Dracanor, or Llywelyn's dragon, who claimed the Bestarium as his own lair and terrorized the region for over a century after Fulmen's death.

In the days after the destruction of Sange, Fulmen was one of the first of the Clarati to act. He killed his rival Illustrata in a spectacular magical duel that culminated high above the waters of Llynbaet. After the first wave of violence was over and the surviving Clarati had fortified themselves, he deployed his monsters against their defenses, destroying armies and fortifications all over the island. He himself survived almost to the very end of the Age of Warlocks. He had broken through the defenses around Solis's stronghold at Castle Ulthor and engaged the sorceress in a duel to the death. He did not succeed in this battle, and barely survived to flee back to his own territory. There, he was betrayed and murdered by his senschal, Wuffa. She had secretly allied with the anti-Clarati rebellions that were sweeping across Ynys, and seized the opportunity of his defeat to poison him. After his death, she slit his throat and drained all the blood from the body, before hurling it from the highest tower to crash against the stones below. In the territory once ruled by Fulmen she established the Kingdom of Wuffa, which persisted for centuries.

Relics of Fulmen's activities are still present on Ynys today. He founded the cities of Lorbeer and Eoforwic, and several of his creations (such as Dungeon Squirrels and the Eofordræht) are still present to plague the population. He is sometimes venerated by the much-reviled Cult of the Clarati, although the primacy of Illustrata in their theology makes him a controversial figure.

Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements