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Eoforwic is the capital of Gewisse, located in the northwestern part of the kingdom. Before becoming the headquarters of Eafa's rebellion against the Kingdom of Wuffa, Eoforwic had been abandoned for centuries following the Age of Warlocks. It still has something of an evil reputation, but this is slowly passing away as the city becomes better known in its current role.

The city has its roots a small village deep in the woods of central Ynys. Shortly after The Conquest of Ynys by the Clarati, the sorcerer Fulmen decided upon the village as the location for his Bestarium - a place where he would experiment with the construction of new creatures and the transformation of existing ones. The Bestarium was a massive complex and heavily fortified - Fulmen carved out a square three miles on a side and surrounded it with thirty-foot walls drawn up out of the earth. Within these walls were several buildings to house and maintain his experiments, and once it was up and running, Fulmen split his time almost evenly between ruling the area from Lorbeer and working on his experiments in the Bestarium. It was within these walls that the Eofordræht was first brewed, that the notorious Dungeon Squirrels dug their first burrows, and that many of the great monsters, including several dragons, first drew breath.

After the death of Fulmen at the hands of his servant Wuffa, the Bestarium fell into disrepair. A village had grown up around the complex to support it, but the residents were quickly driven away or killed by the creatures that were unleashed when Fulmen's wards failed after his death. Many of the creatures fled the complex as well, as the great dragon known as Dracanor claimed the Bestarium as its lair, and only permitted those that would serve it and pay tribute to remain in the area. This was the case for nearly a century, before Dracanor was slain by the legendary Llywelyn and his Dragonslayer company. To this day, the field where Draconor bled out is marked by his blood - the soil is deep red, and the plants that grow there have a tendency to grow unnaturally large and strong, with wicked thorns not found in other specimens of their species.

After the death of Dracanor, the Bestarium was truly abandoned for centuries, until Eafa, fleeing the wrath of the Wuffan royal family, stumbled across the location in the woods. He found caches of Dracanor's horde that had been secreted by the Dungeon Squirrels after the dragon's demise, and also found that the place was still incredibly defensible. When his rebellion began in earnest, he returned to the Bestarium to establish his headquarters there, and in the aftermath chose to establish his capital at the same location. The locals had long since renamed the Bestarium Eoforwic, after the many Eofor that infested the woods around the complex, and this is what became the name of the new capital as well.

Today, Eoforwic is the center of the Gewisse government and military structure, and has been growing rapidly for nearly eighty years. The walls of the Bestarium still stand, as formidable as ever, and the core of the city remains within them. The city has expanded beyond the walls as well, and it is a thriving settlement equal to any other on Ynys.


Wyrmbeorg: Situated near the lair of the slain dragon Dracanor, this district is characterized by its eerie red soil and towering, thorn-covered vegetation. It's rumored that remnants of Dracanor's hoard lie hidden beneath the earth, attracting treasure hunters and adventurers. It is mostly undeveloped, although it is used for training exercises by the military.

Hærgate Ward: The heart of Eoforwic, Hærgate Ward encompasses the bustling market square and the grand halls where Gewisse's leaders convene. It's a center of commerce and politics, where merchants and nobles gather to discuss trade agreements and governmental matters.

Cyningsteorra: This district is home to the royal palace and the residences of the ruling class. Ornate architecture and meticulously landscaped gardens showcase the opulence of the city's elite, while guards patrol the streets to ensure security.

Gefrain: A lively district where entertainment and festivities thrive, Gefrain Dene hosts theaters, taverns, and music halls. It's a place where troubadours, bards, and performers captivate audiences with tales of heroism and legends of old.

Scēadu: A district built outside the western wall of the city, this is a district where poverty and crime intertwine. Dilapidated buildings lean precariously against one another, forming narrow, labyrinthine alleys where darkness prevails. The district is named Scēadu because it is the last place the morning light touches the city due to the shadow of the walls.

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