Irlandia Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Irlandia (irˈlandia)

Irlandia is the largest island in the Biluzik Archipelago, and the seat of the Kingdom of Herria. The largest city on the island is Palmondoa, which is a port city on the northwestern coast. It is the capital of Herria, and also the largest lumberjack-port in the Great Ring; nearly half of all the timber harvested from floating forests passes through Palmondoa, and merchants from all over the region come to Irlandia to buy timber. It is also a major shipyard, as much of the timber is immediately used to build and repair ships.  

Notable Spirits

Like the other islands in the Biluzik, Irlandia has a large number of ascended eidolons in residence, with ancestral spirits inhabiting almost every feature of the landscape. The most important gods of the island actually reside beneath the land, in the magnificent Dragoi Leizea, or Cavern of the Dragon. This a series of caves with four enormous chambers, each inhabited by one of the founders of the Uhartekoa people. These are the spirits of the first family of humans to inhabit the island, and are known by their titles - Ama the Mother, Aita the Father, Semea the Son, and Alaba the Daughter. The largest cave is dedicated to Ama, and has the Esneura, a subterranean lake with milky-white waters. It is believed that immersion in the waters confers a special protection to expectant mothers and can ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery, and many mothers who have the means will make a pilgrimage to bathe in the lake sometime during their pregnancies.


The island is fairly rugged, especially in the northern regions. There are two mountainous areas, one in the northwest, and another along the eastern coast. The highest point on the island is Gailur Altua, in the northwest mountains. There are two large bays also on the northwestern coast - the larger of these is Oparoa Bay, where the city of Palmondoa is built. Many people claim that sailing into Oparoa Bay and seeing the city with the mountains behind it is one of the most stunning views in the world.   Between the mountain ranges is a relatively flat and fertile plain, much of which is cultivated land. Beneath the island are many cave systems, including the sacred Dragoi Leizea. Underground lakes are common, and provide much of the island's freshwater. Rivers are uncommon, and frequently are dry for at least part of the year.


The island has a thriving ecosystem, with hundreds of species of animals and plants. The most common animal species are goats, toads, and hedgehogs. One species that is unique to the island is the Gorria, a goat with bright red fur that inhabits the eastern mountains. The Gorria is said to understand all the languages that are spoken, even though it cannot speak itself.   Along the coastlines are found hundreds of species of fish and crustaceans, living in underwater meadows of sea grass. Turtles are also common, and turtle soup is considered a local delicacy.


The climate of Irlandia is similar to the rest of the archipelago, with hot dry summers and wet winters. Summer temperatures can be extreme in the lower altitudes, and many will retreat into the mountains or the caverns during the hottest times of the year.
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Geographic Details
Location: The Middlesea
Latitude: 38.53 degrees North
Longitude: 24.05 degrees East
Average Elevation: 187 ft
Highest Point: 4,321 ft (Gailur Altua)
Lowest Point: -10 ft
Area: 1,405.45 sq mi

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