Pinuhartea Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Pinuhartea (pɲuhaɾteˈa)

Pinuhartea is the third largest island in the Biluzik Archipelago. It is known as a popular place for sailors to disembark, possibly due to the near total nudity practiced on the island. Some visitors expect to find the population to be licentious and debauched as a consequence, and are disappointed when they learn the true reason has to do with the parasite known as the Bizkarroia. While this creature has plagued all the islands in the Archipelago, the infestation was worst on Pinuhartea.   The largest settlement on the island is Pinuhiria. It is a small town, mostly dedicated to the island's fishing fleet.

Notable Spirits

As is common in the Biluzik Archipelago, the eidolons of the dead have a tendency to linger on Pinuhiria, ascending to become local spirits and gods. One of the oldest and most powerful of these on the island is Katua, the lord of cats. He was one of the earliest figures in the island's history, and his eidolon has been significantly altered by the legends and stories that have accumulated around him since his physical death. In his current form, Katua appears as a trickster figure who shifts between the body of a large cat and a three-foot high catlike humanoid. He will bless households with good fortune who put out a dish of food for him - but those homes who do not honor him he curses with plagues of rodents, or he knocks every breakable item off of tables and shelves.


The island is rocky, with poor soil for farming. Pine forests cover almost every area that is not bare rock. The highest point on the island is called Dorrea, or the Tower. It is located in the southwestern region of the island.


The island has a reputation for being remarkably noisy at night, due to the native wildlife. Most of the animals are nocturnal, even those species not known for being so elsewhere, and a surprising number of them cry and call throughout the hours of darkness. This phenomenon is so pronounced that some scholars theorized that it has been intensified over centuries via the influence of the Egregoric Force.
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Geographic Details
Location: The Middlesea
Latitude: 38.89 degrees North
Longitude: 22.5 degrees East
Average Elevation: 118 ft
Highest Point: 1,532 ft (Dorrea)
Lowest Point: -10 ft
Area: 220.7 sq mi


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Dec 6, 2023 02:09 by Elizabread

Nothing like nudity to get a sailor's attention lmao! I love how much detail you have on the location and elevation of the island. And I will definitely be putting out some extra food for Katua! Though, no promises on getting a good night's sleep. Maybe I'll sleep on my ship... This was a wonderful read!

Check out my world Valtena!