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Aletegia is the smallest and southernmost of the large islands in the Biluzik Archipelago‌. The island is a part of the Kingdom of Herria‌, and is directly ruled by the Buruzagi of Aletagia, who owes allegiance directly to the King of Herria. The position of Buruzagi of Aletagia is traditionally given to the third in line for the throne, and the current holder is Eneko Zai, nephew of King Zorian Zai.   In recent years, the island has been plagued with raids from the north, carried out by Drekkamen sworn to the god Reginn of Eyju. The Herrian navy has been ineffective at repelling these raids, and even the Buruzagi's palace in Askea has been plundered. The Buruzagi was shamed in the royal court by his failure to defend the city, and has since been taking his anger out on his subjects.  

Notable Spirits

Like the rest of the Biluzik Archipelago, Aletagia is filled with the ascended eidolons of those who once lived there. They have become the spirits of the homes and cities, and even of fields and forest. The most prominent of these is Gorbea, the Lord of the Woods. In life, Gorbea was the son of the first King of Herria, Maju Zai. Like all of Maju Zai's children, he was born with unusual features. Gorbea was twice as tall and eight times as strong as any other man, and was completely covered in long, shaggy hair. Despite his terrifying appearance, he was a gentle ruler who protected his people. In death, his Eidolon has gone on the become the spirit of the pine forests that cover the island's interior. The people of Aletagia sacrifice a sheep to Gorbea twice a year, and will flee into the woods when danger threatens. In recent years, this has been tested multiple times by the northern raiders, and those who have made it into Gorbea's domain have been untouched by the invaders, hidden and protected by Gorbea's grace.


Aletagia is about twelve miles long, with two major regions connected by a narrow strip of land. In the west, the land is relatively low and flat. This is where most of the people of the island live, as the land is good for farming and grazing livestock. To the east are the highlands, which are covered with pine forests. Logging the eastern heights is the sole right of the royal family, and they have traditionally chosen to take only a few trees from this area each year, in honor of their ancestor Gorbea.   There are several islets that surround the main island, especially along the northern coast. The largest of these is named Txerrilurra, and during low tide it can be reached by wading across the channel between the islands. The Putzuko lighthouse is built on Txerrilurra, marking the strait between Aletegia and Pinuhartea.
Location under
Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: The Middlesea Latitude: 37.61 degrees North
Longitude: 22.52 degrees East
Average Elevation: 23 ft
Highest Point: 630 ft
Lowest Point: -13 ft
Area: 32.14 sq mi

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