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Nabijač Vihorović

Nabijač is the Kar of the Empire of Vlast. She is singlehandely responsible for the formation of the empire; under her leadership, her clan overthrew the other clans of the Pozoj and established a system of tributes that keeps her in power. She was held as a hostage against her clan's behaviour while very young, and as an adult seems driven to make sure that nobody ever has that kind of power over her or her people again. Nabijač is ruthless in pursuing her aims, and those who have opposed her and lost are typically tortured to death as an example to others. Her least popular policy is the egg-tithe. The subject clans of Vlast are compelled to surrender half the eggs from their communal nests to the empire, so that the hatchlings can be raised as Imperial soldiers. Communities that defy the egg-tithe, or attempt to deceive the Imperial egg-takers, have had their entire clutches smashed for seven years in row, and their young people maimed to keep them from taking up arms against the empire.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization