Jelen Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Jelen (jělen)

Jelen is the southernmost of the three large islands in the Korabovi Islands, and is where the Empire of Vlast is headquartered. It is the richest and most populous of the islands, largely due to the tribute in goods and eggs the Empire has extracted from the rest of the archipelago. Nabijač, the ruler of the Empire has been generous in sharing this wealth among her own clan, while at the same time brutally punishing anyone who defied her in any manner.

The largest settlement on Jelen is Dugopolje, the capital of the Empire. It is located in a valley in the southern part of the island and connected to the sea by the river Krvi. The city was only a small village when Nabijač was hatched there, but her relentless drive to make it the center of all power in the Korabovi has seen it grow enormously over the last three decades.

Notable Spirits

The most important god to the Pozoj is Korab, the god of the seas and waters around the islands. He is represented as a great sea wyrm, and the river Krvi is considered particularly sacred to him. Legend says that Korab saw how little water was present elsewhere on Jelen, and created the river from his own blood to provide the Pozoj who lived there the chance of survival.


Jelen is an oval-shaped island that is about 25 miles across at its widest point. The coastline is long and intricate, with many bays and inlets. There are several small islands and islets that lie close to Jelen - the largest of these is island of Slano, which is about half a mile west of the larger island across the Podjela Strait.

Jelen is rugged and mountainous, with very little fresh water aside from the river Krvi. Vojskovođa Gora, the highest point in the Korabovi Islands is located in the particularly steep southern region, where the elevation is over 2500 feet only a mile from the coast. The river Krvi has cut a deep valley through the mountains, and much of the population of the island lives here. The northern region of the island is a high plateau, and is sparsely populated due to the scarcity of water.

Location under
Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 43.2 degrees North
Longitude: 57.16 degrees East
Average Elevation: 436 ft
Highest Point: 4,236 ft (Vojskovođa Gora)
Lowest Point: -16 ft
Area: 153 sq mi

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Dec 26, 2023 20:59 by Carolyn McBride

Sounds like quite a dramatic place to live! I want to know more about Korab! Very thorough article. Keep up the good work!

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