Observable Night Sky
The observable night sky is a source of renewed interest in Adronica, particularly amongst the astronomers of the Nebograd Republic. The night sky is considered to be in Nebesa's domain.
Sefely is orbited by two moons —Aldoxia and Razia. Aldoxia is a grey moon, and appears from the planet to be of comparative size to the Sun. Razia is a blue moon, located further away from Sefely. While larger than Aldoxia, it is viewed to be approximately a quarter of the sun's size. A winking sky is when either Aldoxia or Razia is a new moon while the other is full. A seeing sky is when both moons are full, while a sleeping sky is when both are new. The first time Aldoxia 'winks' in a year marks the Day of Chance (in service of Lukonna of the Lovers). The first time that Razia 'winks' marks the Night of Farce (in service of Vlune). The last seeing sky of each year marks Baatar's Vigil.Ecliptic constellations
A series of six constellations are positioned across the ecliptic (the path of orbit around Sefely).- The Hybsil
- The Sorcerer
- The Shalarin
- The Tressym
- The Weaver
- The Burán