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The Legion

Legio aeterna!
Aeterna Victrix!
- Legion marching cadence

The Legion of the Junii Empire forms the vast majority of it's military force. Unlike the Auxilia, in which anyone living within the borders of the empire may join up, the legion has more stricter guidelines for recruitment.

The three main guidelines is that you must be Human, be a citizen of the empire, and be in a healthy condition. These somewhat xenophobic guidelines are one of many things that has earned the animosity of the other mortal races towards the empire, and fear towards the legion.


Organisation and Regulation

The legion is organised into Cohorts of 800 men comprised of 8 centuries of 100 men, each lead by a centurion and a standard bearer. Losing the standard of ones century is punishable by death. The first century standard bearer carries the standard of the whole cohort. Losing this is unthinkable, and extremely cruel and dark punishments are inflicted on those that fail to protect it.

The 1st century of a cohort is usually comprised of the most veteran soldiers and cavalry, and is lead by the general, who is typically a noble or aristocratic youth, which can earn the enmity of the rank and file legionary. Generals do not always exist in this manner however, and some grow to become extremely potent leaders and tacticians, traits that soldiers deeply respect.

Generals command both their century and the entire cohort, but will usually have advisors with them. 1st century also usually contain a very small number of Battle-mage's from the relatively newly formed Collegiate Arcanum. These 'war-mages' are kept on a very tight leash due to the mistrust of magic in the empire's culture.

The 8th century in a cohort is reserved for scouts, siege engineers, and archers. Having previous experience in hunting, engineering or stealth warfare usually guarantees that a legionary will get transferred to 8th century. 8th century does not carry the prestige of 1st, but they are considered more elite than the average legionary, often detaching to perform missions of scouting, ambush and other methods of unconventional warfare.


Equipment and Tactics

Legionaries are equipped with a short-sword and tower shield, and use infantry tactics akin to fighting a riot rather than a battle. A legionary is taught from recruitment how to fight in a rigid formation, with emphasis on drill and swiftness of response to commands. These formation tactics are effective in a unit, but an individual legionary will struggle to rely on his training in one-on-one combat.

The typical strategy of battle is as follows; the main line will hold the advance of the enemy, causing them to tire. When this is perceived to happen, 8th century will typically heighten their rate of fire, release artillery weapons, and perform ambush or sabotage maneuvers. If a part of the enemy formation breaks or routs, 1st century will pursue them on horseback.

Because of the rigid structure of the legion, it is difficult for the men to desert, or to be stuck without orders. This inflexible structure is not always an advantage however, as the legion is infamous for being difficult to manoeuvre and co-ordinate, relying heavily on chain of command.


Service and Law

In peace-time, the legion is expected to be constantly on the move. The cohorts of the legion will march in repeating patrol patterns all around the empire, getting rest when relieving another cohort guarding a key location or area, which will then break camp and repeat the cycle. This lifestyle often grates on the infantry, who are required to march in full equipment and armour, while their superiors ride mounts.

Like the drills that they regularly must repeat, a legionary is expected to keep his hair and facial hair cut to a minimum length with a blade, and to maintain their weapons and armour. Failure to meet these requirements often results in punishment by lashing.

The worst of crimes in the legion is desertion, losing the standard, or disobeying an order from a superior. Those found guilty of this are typically executed or worse.

After a period of 30 years of service, a legionary is offered retirement, at which point he will get a small plot of land (usually a farm), and a payment of gold. It is rare that a legionary makes it this long, for constant marching and the ever present threat of disease often lead to fatalities in the older legionaries. Another option for a healthy retired legionary is to attempt to join the Royal Guard, or to become a mercenary.

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A legionary marchs in any terrain. Even in the most bitter of cold.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by
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An experienced general orders an advance.

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