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Session 34 - General

General Summary

In the Boneyard
  The team discussed their plans as they made their way to the eastern edge of the Boneyard district of Nanoen, heading towards the Square to find lodging, on the suggestion of their guide, Zot Euan | Orc Resistance Operative.   They were stopped outside of the Bone Orchard. Delli Millstone | Minotaur Tavern Proprietor was not happy that they had cashed out and were leaving the Boneyard. She asked them to give 1900 of the 2050 gp winnings back. When they politely declined, Delli's regulars jumped the party. S'thom, who had won all of the money from the Bone Orchard, slipped away to shop for a new helm and Zot slipped away (to places unknown) while the others dealt with the rabble.   After a quick melee, Gorgoroth had Delli pinned. "If I let you have the coin, he'll kill us. He'll burn us all alive," she said.   Before they could discuss who "he" was, a newcomer named Wulfhilda arrived and offered to help Delli. Delli refused to align herself with a lieutenant from another bourough. When Delli summoned an army of skeletons from the charnel pits, they attacked everyone, including Delli and her crew.   Wulfhilda struck hard in the first round of combat but then was distracted by another individual who magically appeared in front of the necromancer. This one was Ruteth and she advised Wulfhilda to "find the object" for the Ghostlord | Lich and report back to their master ASAP. Wulfhilda, somewhat flustered, answered that the item would soon be recovered.   When Ruteth disappeared, the party advanced on Wulfhilda and got in a few hits. She teleported away, but not far away to leave their sight. Instead, she offered to escort them to the General.    

In Bulwark Road

  The party followed Wulfhilda through the ever-busier streets of Nanoen into the heart of Bulwark Road. They went straight to Headquarters without stopping to visit any of the shops or listen to any of the bards (though S'thom did overhear one singing about the "Land of Gorgoroth, where shadows lie").   At HQ they met the General, a half-orc adorned with ceremonial military regalia, almost comical in the number of ribbons, medals and insignia. He studied a crystal bowl as they approached. Lat'num overheard him say "Yes, Boss" before turning to address them.   The party got off to a rough start when they didn't introduce themselves. Things became tense when the General thought Gorgoroth was pretending to be the legedary member of the Heroes of Brindol. After Gorgoroth proved his identity, the General forced all of his guards and attendants to leave. Once they had privacy, he shared his real name, Bodega | Half-orc Merchant.
Report Date
01 Jan 2023
Primary Location


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