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Session 35 - Consult

General Summary


  The General removed all of his attendants from his office in "HQ" and revealed himself as Bodega | Half-orc Merchant, a friend from Gorgoroth and Red's past. Gorgoroth admitted his memory loss and asked for a recap of the past. It has been 37 years since Bodega last saw Gorgoroth in Overlook, in the Elsir Vale.   There was a lot to catch up. They only spoke for a few minutes before the General was interrupted by important, scheduled business. He bid his guards to take care of the party and set them up in a luxury inn, while he met with emmisaries from Opal, a nearby colony of drow.   Renestrae | Eladrin Celestial Warlock realized that Bit | Monodrone was missing and went looking for her mechanical friend. S'thom | Grung Gloom Stalker Ranger spotted the monodrone talking to a warforged in the rotunda and the team went down a level to meet them.   The warforged was Cysunglyss, designated 117 in a former life. He and Bit were discussing their former homeland, Kaverna Proklet. Bit told Renestrae that she wanted to go back home and check on the other warforged. Renestrae released her from her obligations to the Golden Dragon | Airship and wished her good luck.   The party checked into their suite and cleaned up. A messanger brought a gift to Renestrae, a clockwork sending stone. The card read "If you ever need me, just say my name."   After a few hours of down time, the General summoned them to dinner (maybe early breakfast since it was already night when they approached Bulwark Road?). The only other attendee besides the party was Wulfhilda | Necromancer.  

The Past

  37 years ago, Bodega took the 500 gp investment given to him by the Heroes of Brindol and quickly failed at several businesses before finding success. The Elsir Consortium had a monopoly on almost all guilds and trade caravans in and around the Elsir Vale region. When the Overlook government suspected that the Consorium's leadership (a dwarven family named the Ironfells) had betrayed Overlook by dealing with Modra, Sarshan, and the githyanki, Bodega became the middleman between the government and the corporate tycoons. He grew enormously wealthy and influential almost overnight.   Bodega, who often attended Overlook council meetings or heard their outcomes from departments heads he supplied goods to, knew a good deal about the goings-on of several special forces organizations.The council learned from the "Freebasters" that the githyanki controlled something called the Well of Worlds and planned to use it in a large-scale invasion. The council counted on the Heroes of Brindol to find the key to the Well of Worlds from a formorian ally, but they never reported back.   Overlook waited too long. The Coalition waited too long. The githyanki struck in force. Overlook was decimated by the Red Terror, Vraxanault. Some refugees escaped, including Bodega. "Surviving," he said, "is the only way most people resist the new dragon empire."  


  The party didn't share many details of their plan, but told Bodega and Wulfhilda that they came to defeat Seethe | Red Dragon and find a magical artifact in his horde. They didn't know what he held, other than a pieced-together helm made out of shards of Bitter Glass, an old githyanki device used to amplify or negate psychic communication. Seethe feared something in the Rift below Nanoen and he believed the helm and distance would protect him. Otherwise Seethe would have taken over Bodega's area a long time ago.   The only clues that Bodega and Wulfhilda could come up with to help scare / defeat Seethe were the Unblinking and the Labrynth.   The Unblinking were an unknown entity in the Rift, a nebulous shadow organization that even the most powerful hadn't infiltrated. They either lived in the Rift or beyond, possibly in the Underdark region near Opal. They may have psychic powers or magical artifacts powerful enough to frighten a dragon.   The Labrynth was a local test of courage, skill and luck. It was the biggest game in town. The betting stake were high because no one who ever entered the Labrynth came out again. Outside the Labrynth, there was a magical door that only opened to thunderous applause, and eight pools of water that reflected the contestants.   The party requested to get as much info as they could on the Labrynth, contacts with the drow emmisaries from Opal, a report on Seethe and the Committee and potions or other gear to help with underdark exploration.
Report Date
08 Jan 2023
Primary Location


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