BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 41 - Allseeing

General Summary

The party leaned towards ignoring the wererat's advice and heading to the surface when they first entered the Rope Trick's space, but decided to test their luck after talking it over during their hour-long rest.   When they crossed the threshhold and walked down the empty hall, the door shut behind them and magically sealed. They found a large room filled with rusty pumping equipment and broken pipes. Some sort of long-forgotten relay station from the Arkhosian age. Three other hallways led out of the chamber, along with many large pipes and holes in the ceiling and walls.   The first two halls were dead ends. The third contained a poisonous gas that made them hallucenate. S'thom heard a noise in the pipes and woke the team from their hallucinations. Someone in the pipes were talking about the heroes. "Wait until they pass out. Then take the cube."   She lept up into the pipes to investigate. A group of drow attacked. They were easily dispatched but reinfocements came. Fighters and bards. The bards demanded that the party hand over the cube. They refused and fought back.   A growl issued from the depths of the pipes. A large round creature floated out of a pipe. Its massive central eye emitted a cone of anti-magic which nullified the party's weapons and armor, and even their healing potions. When it attacked, it did so with jagged teeth or rays of energy from one of its powerful eyestalks. They faced off against the leader of the Unblinking.   Allseeing was a beholder.   Lat'num fell to a magical sleep ray. Gorgoroth woke him but was hit by a slowing ray. Red started to become petrified but shook it off. The party fired back but could not incapacitate the monster quickly enough. It fired a disintegration ray at Lat'num. The githzerai artificier and all of his equipment, including the Zeitundraum, turned to smoke and ash in Gorgoroth's arms.   S'thom jumped down from her perch and attempted to use Avandra's Lot and Aufklarung on the beholder, but Avandra's luck ran out. As the magic of the artifact fizzled out, Allseeing swooped down and chomped the hand that held out the cube. They heard a sickening crunch of bones, then the beholder flew away through of the pipes. S'thom stood staring at a bloody stub where her arm used to be.
Lat'num hit by a disintegration ray
Report Date
05 Mar 2023


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