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Zeitundraum is one of the Hexabeyance in the Ascendancies quadrant.   In Celestial "zeit und raum" means time and space.  

Orb of Time and Space

The Orb of Time and Space enhances dragonsight, the ability that allows dragons to become aware of all of their incarnations across the multiverse.   It was carried by Zeitspringer | Human Artificer, a human artificer who has found a new use for the artifact: time travel.   Lat'num Leng | Githzerai Artificer tracked Zeitspringer to his lab to negotiate a trade, but was caught up in the device's ritual magic, already in progress. Lat'num's magical armor upset the delicate calculations required to make a clean jump which threw he and Zeitspringer to the wrong timeline.   Before Lat'num could recover from his first jump, Zeitspringer escaped with the Orb.   Later, Lat'num and the child Randus Duthane discovered Zeitundraum hidden inside the construct, Bit.    


Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a by one who opposes Tiamat and has a 16+ INT)   This orb ticks and whirls with the precision craftsmanship of a masterwork clockwork device.   When attuned, the wielder gains the following bonuses.  
  • +1 INT saving throws
  • +1 Investigation checks
  • Resistance to force damage when wielding the orb
  The orb has 6 charges and regains 3 charges per day after a Long Rest, unless the Long Rest occurred inside a Time Bubble spell. When attuned, the wielder can cast the following spells by expending one or more charges.  
  • Remote Repair - 1 charge
  • Dimensional Step - 2 charges
  • Butterfly Effect - 3 charges
  • Time Bubble - 6 charges
Item type
Unique Artifact
Subtype / Model


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