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Session 9 - Kurtulmak

General Summary

(The party leveled up to Level 2.)   After warning the party to keep the secret room secret, Isabelle Atieno | Elf Priestess left to attend to the sick refugees.   Berov bought some scrap metal from a smithy in the shipyard and paid with Penance (admitting to throwing a guard) then the party searched for his grandfather, Drindov | Loxodon Archeologist in kobold caves at nearby hills.   The first cave they found had an electric sign that read "Rig Prizs! Wen Trezur!". The enterance was very small so only S'thom ventured inside. She destroyed the power source to the electric sign and turned back at a cave-in. The party decided to look for another entrance.   On the other side of the hill, they found an abandoned mine, clearly created by medium-sized folk. The support beams were engraved with "KEEP OUT" scrawled in draconic. They entered.   Inside, the mine shafts were bricked off, but a natural tunnel opened up at the back end of the main shaft. The tunnel snaked back and forth and was riddled with traps: darts, pits, false ramps, pendulums and who-knows what else. Luckily, the traps were easy to avoid.   In one antechamber, the party found a nest of young kobolds. Gorgoroth spoke to the kobolds in draconic and asked them to escort the party to the old loxodon. The kids said they trapped him and wanted to get credit to win the championship and get the best jobs.   (Later, when Berov calmed down, he realized the kids were probably the kobold equivilant of the Youngling Adventurers).   The kobold kids took them through a series of twists and turns that made them completely lost, but they found themselves back at the original cave-in S'Thom discovered. Working together, they dug out Drindov. He was badly injured, but lived.   Drindov told the party about his search for Kurtulmak's Star and how he recently acquired a poem written in draconic named Gem of the Heavens - Kurtulmak's Howl. Gorgoroth chanted the poem, then translated it to common while hundreds of kobold voices all around them echoed the chant in the darkness.   While listening to the poem, S'Thom remembered seeing a painting in the secret room under the Eternal Flame Lighthouse with a plaque titled "Star Under Lid", one of the lines in the poem. She recalled that the painting depicted a person accepting a chest whose lid glowed while three companions pointed to what is now known as the Bazaar River and Hippogryph Hills.   The party dug a wider hole and escaped the kobold warrens. Then S'thom got help from the New Frontiers Guild. They intend to take Drindov back to

Missions/Quests Completed

Rescue Drindov (Berov's grandfather)

Character(s) interacted with

Related Reports

Scales of Justice
Report Date
31 May 2022


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