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Session 1: Fatal Omission

General Summary

Aboard a pirate vessel known as The Mathilda, the pirate Captain Sebastian receives a letter from his friend and ally Kenzer Fyfe . Chrysanthum University is having an Open Day, wherein anyone may visit the University and received a tour of their facilities. Chrysanthum is not too far out of the crew's way and knowing the crew could use some shore leave to stretch their legs, Sebastian agrees to make a stop.   That evening, Sebastian has a terrible nightmare. In the dark, he runs from people, from a terrible building. Something chases him down, hunting him. In the dream, he is killed before waking.
  The previous day, Clip a mysterious figure, has recently arrived at The Galen Institute, via their secret Planar Gate . Amadieu Barthélemy and Rienne Amastacia are tutoring her on how to blend-in while the Open Day is going on. She dislikes the process of eating but more importantly, she longs to go home. She tells them both that her home, Cybus is currently in danger at the hand of some unknown threat. Amadieu leaves abruptly upon learning the nature of Clip's origin leaving Rienne to tell Clip that he will help her look into the matter.
  Sebastian wakes up in a dock-house. He looks exactly the same, same clothes, same weapons, his pet mimic, Skippy is present but he has no ship, no crew and no one seems to know who he is. Alarmed at this change, he proceeds to the University, hoping his allies there will have some insight.
    At the university, the Open Day has started. Emilius Eulaliceus, a faun in the employ of Xenophia Artir , the university's resident alchemist and member of The Galen Institute. His task for today is to help any guests lost in the bustle (and direct them towards The Galen Institute.) As Emilius arrives, he spots the Dean of the University along with several other wealthy looking High Elves, Humans and Dwarves - Emilius notices that one of them is a particularly powerful mage. Just then, Sebastian arrives and attempts to enter the Institute. Emilius offers to take him to Amadieu to help with his predicament.
  Xenophia wakes Clip up. She suggests that, while the Open Day is going on, Clip get new clothes to help her blend-in. As they step out into the Institute proper, Phe and Clip run into the Dean and their entourage, then into Sebastian and Emilius. Phe, rather notably, fails to recognise Sebastian but nonetheless, offers the pair directions. Soon after, Phe has to hand Clip off to Rienne while she does her part of the tour. At the same time Emilius and Sebastian arrive at Amadieu's office but find that he is missing. Amadieu has left behind a note and a journal for Emilius. Rienne and Clip also arrive to speak with Amadieu and find out the news.
  As they all are on their way down from the tower, Rienne is super upset. They are interrupted by the sudden activation of the Planar Gate. When the squad arrives, the mysterious woman, Emilius noticed from the tour has activated the gate. When confronted, she is about to reveal her name when she spots Sebastian. Sebastian recognises her as his younger sister, Chrissy. She corrects him by telling him her name is Embradt.   Embradt is furious and a fight soon breaks out. It is immediately revealed that Embradt uses an incredibly powerful time-based kind of magic. She fights the group easily, managing to send Rienne sprawling out of the room, but before she can kill anyone outright, Phe and Kenzer will arrive and make an attempt to shut the gate down. Alarmed and enraged by the interference, Embradt unleashed a spell, overloading the gate and knocking everyone out.
  Sebastian. Clip and Emilius come to, jelly-legged and shook, in a dirty cobblestone alley. Clip notes that her form as changed to resemble an android - a form far more like what she was used to in Cybus. Out of the alley, the group meet a woman with a bicycle, waiting under a street light. She asks them if they’re new in town in a strangely loaded way. When they answer her demeanour changes, warming up quickly. She introduces herself as Felicè Bass and tell them that they are in Bluewater. She explains that she works as a fortune-teller and reads tarot cards. She offers to do a reading for Sebastian, who somewhat reluctantly accepts. Clip noticed a tall figure coming down the street towards, who seemed to abruptly turn away. Back at the reading, the first card Felicé pulls is the "Death" card, which alarms Sebastian. Felicé quickly explains that the Death card is scarier than it looks and is actually often an omen of great change rather than actual depth.   Before she can pull the next card, Felicé is shot in the head. Terrifed, the party fled the scene but not after Sebastian checked Felicé's pockets, taking an ID card that listed her name as "Greenwich", a business card for an antique shop and the Death card from her fortune. The group, without anywhere to go for the night, manage to find a hotel called E-Z Sleep Motel and are given a room by its receptionist Tullulah. They party decide to visit Felicé's shop to find out why she was murdered.   The following morning, the group go to The Grease Trap, a local diner and confirm their plans. Clip eats pancakes for the first time and has mixed feelings. After the diner they go to Felicé's shop and encounter an individual calling himself "Rubycante". He threatens them, demanding the ID card they stole. Clip pieces together that Ruby was the figure she saw last night and uses her magical abilities to strike him with a spell. Before a full fight can break out, Sebastian and Emilius tell Ruby about the circumstances surrounding their arrival in Bluewater. After some back and forth, Emilius deduces that Ruby is a spy. Ruby confirms this, irritably, and states he works for The Bluewater Bureau. After this, Ruby explains that he is familiar with planar travel and agrees to take them to his Boss, as she might be able to offer her insight, in exchange for the ID. The party agree.
  Ruby fires off his gun and summons a black, wooden door. Said door opens into The Waiting Room. As it turns out, Rubycante is a warlock, in the service of the God of Death, Thoth. who awaits them in the bar.
Emilius Eulaliceus
Level 12 Faun Lawful Good Fighter (Cavalier)
(Guild Member (Chef))
110 / 110 HP
Report Date
07 Dec 2019
Primary Location

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