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Session 2: Death and All Her Friends

General Summary

Thoth , the god of Death, agrees to a passing meeting with the group. Troubled to hear about how they arrived here and of the machinations of Embradt in general, Thoth then explains to the group some very important things about the multi-verse.
  • Gods such as she control the gateways between worlds. The barriers between worlds are weakened whenever someone transverses without uses those gateways.
  • There exists a number of Gods, each of which have created a universe. These universes are connected.
  • All gods have counterparts in other universes, these are called Facets
  • Mortals too, can have similar counterparts but Thoth suspects that this may not be the case for them.
  • In order to find their way back to Amran, they need to speak with Lyllian - Aolin 's facet Bluewater. Clip, bring from Cybus, is directed to Shee-Han but Thoth is not entire sure where they are.
  Thoth asks Ruby to escort the group to a club in Heaven's Gate, where Lyllian can usually be found. Ruby reluctantly agrees, becoming a party member.   Once they have left The Waiting Room, Ruby explains that Bluewater takes regulation very seriously because there is a prohibition on magic - unregulated magic use is illegal. Since the party do not have IDs, they will need to get fakes. Ruby says he has a plan for this, but needs to get back to his apartment in Waterline first. The trip to Bluewater requires travelling on a Sub-shuttle which also requires an ID of some kind. The gang manage to get themselves onboard the shuttle when Sebastian uses his magic to cause a riot.   They go to Ruby's Apartment where Clip, still suspicious of Ruby's involvement with Felicè's murder, presses him into revealing that both he and Felicé are spies in service to Blacklist - a government body that investigates Bluewater citizens for illegal activity. Ruby explains that he has been investigating the murder of several Blacklist members of which Felicé was the latest. Ruby uses the IDs of the three previously murdered agents (Cramoisy, Wallflower and Tileul) to forge them passes that will "get them anywhere" but in order to use them, he needs photots of the party. The group agrees. Following this, Ruby is quite suddenly ill and lies down, telling the group to go on without him. The gang head out to town.   While out and about, the group visit Bluewater Bank where Emilius was able to exchange his Amranian gold coin for Bluewater fathoms. This allowed them to visit a tailors, where they were able to get new clothes that let them to blend in with the locals - it's owner, a gnome that refers to everyone as "Sonny Boy" - told them about club in Heaven's Gate called The Light Fantastic.   Now with disguises, the group visit a general store fronted by an orcish man. He is in heated discussion with a young woman named Rashidah. Rashidah works at the local Clinic and is attempting to convince the orcish man to sell her medicine for the Clinic. Sebastian helps her out by using magic to convince the orc to agree and footing part of the bill for the medicine. Rashidah is very grateful and tells Sebastian to visit The Clinic in Waterline if he ever needs help. While at the store, they meet Bowman - a friend of Sebastian from The Vampire War. This Bowman, going by Detective Arthurs, is secretly acquiring a substance from the orcish man. He fails to recognise Sebastian but Clip, recalling what Thoth told them about the Gods, hypothesises that this Bowman may not be the Bowman that Sebastian knew from his past - but a counterpart that also exists in this universe.   Outside of the store, Clip gets into an altercation with Bowman over his purchase. In the resulting argument, the group are arrested and brought to the local police station, where Sebastian, in an attempt to get recognition from Bowman, attempts to explain how they ended up in Bluewater. Bowman doesn't believe them but the party manage to avoid further trouble by telling Bowman that they work for Blacklist. When Bowman contacts Blacklist to verify, he is surprised to find their story corroborated and let's them go. A very angry Ruby meets them outside.   With IDs finished and the location confirmed the party return to the hotel. Clip, frustrated at the lack of attention being given to her dying world, sets out to find Shee-Han. She finds a library in which she tries to look for more information about Shee-Han. She follows a trail of clues within the library that reveal a message - seemingly from Shee-Han, telling her to take her time. This puzzles and frustrates Clip further but is enough to convince her to go back to the group.  

The Light Fantastic

At The Light Fantastic, the party has been in full swing for months. After some sluething, they meet the party's host - a man by the name of Lovatt. Sebastian makes contact with him, using magic to pose as a young woman named Dominique. Lovatt flirts with Dominique letting slip that he has a connection to Lyllian. Ruby recognises Lovatt as another member of Blacklist and attempts to warn him that he may be in danger at a party like thing. Lovatt refutes the idea and says this is the safest place he can be. The party bully Lovat into revealing the truth: that Lyllian has gone missing. Lovatt explains that he received a letter from her two months ago that asked him to keep the party going and has not heard from her since.   At the party, the gang also make contact with Strontos, another god with whom Ruby has an obvious history. Far from the dismissive attitude of Thoth, Strontos is practically crippled and also searching for Lyllian. He explains that he thinks he might be dying. That someone/thing is attempting to kill the core deity of his plane. He had been losing contact with the core for some time and suspects that time magic might be involved.   Suspecting Embradt the party agrees to help Strontos. He takes them to a lighthouse just outside Bluewater and opens a gate to Oceropa

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New party memeber


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Report Date
30 Aug 2019
Secondary Location

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