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Maverick Xari

Player Name: Tyler Character Name: Maverick (Mave) Xari Race: Giff Class: Fighter (gunslinger)  
Mave watched from the sidelines as her father, the commander, addressed his troops. At the head of the group stood her older brother Dorian, tall and confident. Mave looked up to Dorian and admired him greatly, but sometimes she felt overshadowed by his accomplishments. As her father spoke, Mave felt a sudden surge of emotion welling up inside of her. She had missed her brother terribly when he was gone and wanted to show him how much she loved him. Without thinking, she ran out onto the field and threw her tiny arms around Dorian, giving him a tight hug. Mave's father whipped around, his eyes flashing with anger. "Mave! What is the meaning of this?" he barked, glaring at her. Dorian pushed Mave away from him with a disgusted look on his face. "Get off me, you little brat!" he sneered. "Can't you see that we are in Ritual?" Mave's heart sank as she saw the disappointment in her father's eyes. She turned and ran as fast as she could, trying to escape her father's wrath and Dorian's cruel words.   Young Adult Mave stood outside her father's tent, her heart pounding in her chest. She hadn't seen him in years, not since she had left home and rejected the strict discipline of his Ranzine. But now, as a skilled bounty hunter with a reputation for taking down the toughest targets, Mave had a job that required her to work alongside her father's troops. As she stepped into the tent, Mave felt a rush of memories flood back. The smell of leather and sweat, the sound of swords clashing in the distance - it all felt so familiar, yet so foreign at the same time. "Father," Mave said, her voice steady despite the tremble in her hands. "I'm here for the job. What's the target?" Her father looked up from his map, his eyes narrowing as he recognized his daughter. "Mave," he said, his voice cold and distant. "I never thought I'd see you again." Mave bristled at her father's dismissive tone, but she held her tongue. She needed this job, and she couldn't afford to let her emotions get the best of her. "The target," she repeated. "What is it?" Her father handed her a scroll, his eyes still fixed on her with a mix of disappointment and anger. "A group of bandits has been causing trouble on the southern border. They've stolen from our supply caravans and killed our men. We need them brought to justice." Mave nodded, her eyes scanning the scroll for details. She knew that this would be a tough job, but she had faced tougher challenges before. As she turned to leave the tent, her father spoke up again. "Mave, wait." She turned back to face him, her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew that her father was not a man who easily forgave or forgot. "I don't approve of what you've become," he said, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and disappointment. "A bounty hunter? Using your gifts for personal gain? That's not what a true warrior does." Mave bristled at her father's words, but she kept her emotions in check. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Father. But this is who I am. I can't change that." Her father sighed, his eyes softening for a moment. "I know," he said. "And I'm sorry for the role I played in pushing you away. But I can't condone your actions. You're still my daughter, and I still love you. But you're not one of us anymore." Mave nodded, her eyes filling with tears. She knew that her father would never truly accept her for who she was, but she also knew that she couldn't change who she was either. As she left the tent and headed out to track down the bandits, Mave felt a mix of emotions swirling inside of her. She was proud of her skills as a bounty hunter, but she was also sad that her father would never fully understand or accept her. But she knew that she had a job to do, and she was determined to do it well, no matter what her father thought of her.       1) As a 5th level character, you have had some experiences? Describe one of those experiences? Maybe you were part of an adventuring group that slayed a powerful Troll? Maybe you stole a powerful or valuable item? Maybe you brought peace to a small village by helping to overthrow their autocratic leader. Mave has high military ranking family members, they have a business transporting cargo through the astral seas. They work closely with the Velan royal family. Mave has led several of these missions and has been groomed to be a highly skilled fighter who increases the overall family power. She has experience with transporting items on the astral seas and is great at navigating. There have been several occasions that Mave took time studying the object she transported, though that was against the company rules. She loves anything to do with history, specifically weapon history. She spends a lot of time tinkering with her firearms. She actually “stole” her pistol ( Nova Strike) from a shipment and declared that it was “missing”. While it has no magical properties she has spent a ridiculous amount of time creating a detailed look for the pistol. There are precious gems and metals that adorn the gun and it is one of her most prized possessions. She has been searching for many years for someone who can add magic to the weapon, without destroying any of her amazing work. 2) Bonds. Describe at least one bond outside the party. Maybe your aged parents live in flat in the Northward? Maybe your little brother can’t wait to follow you? Her Brother Dorian is set to take over after her parents. He has been jealous of Mave for having everything come so easy yet she values none of it. He is disgusted that she could even think about, much less actually, leave the company to go “enjoy her life”. As if there was something better than power and recognition in the giff hierarchy. While there is a lot of animosity he is still her closest family member and does keep in contact. He just cannot fathom her choices, as he believes she could be great and is astonished she would rather not when he works his ass off to achieve it. 3) Flaws. Describe a flaw in your character. This could be a mental, physical or moral flaw. Mental, maybe you have a phobia of spiders. Physical, maybe you have a severe limp, it doesn’t slow you down but it is awkward. Moral, maybe your greed sometimes takes over your moral sense. The main thing is that the flaw should be something that can be role played. Maverick is compulsive and an instigator. She is constantly searching for knowledge and trying to learn history but has an extreme lack of respect for authority. This comes from her celebrity adventurers scion background and her blaise thoughts on the ‘military’ lifestyle. 4) Pick a Nature and Demeanor. Your demeanor is how the world perceives you. Your nature is how your actually are. See List Below: My demeanor would be either a thrill seeker or bon vivant. Her nature is either a fanatic or enigma. 5) How do you see your character development? Do you plan to multiclass or delve deeper into your existing class? Mave wants to experience life and learn everything she can. While she has a few set goals I think her character development would be finding something worth caring about outside of weapons. Whether that is the group or a calling, I think she is searching for something that actually excites her to try and be something. This could be finding the mage/artificer that is able to increase gun magic tenfold. The legend of the mastercrafter has intrigued and captured her attention. Being able to find them and possibly learn from them is a pipe dream. 6) Choose a Secret or come up with your own When she was still trying to be a part of the family, she sold information of competing transport companies (their routes, security, goods) to the White Knox. While she does not know details she knows many have died from her deeds.   Nova Strike^^^^


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