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The Mystery of the Solar Stones

In the Dawn Age, the Second Age of the Elves, before men walked the world, the wicked shadow elf prince Amruthil delved deep into dark magic and made pacts with otherworldly beings in his lust for eternal life and power over death itself. He took the Caethil Telmion (Silver Star Hall) on Ceud-Talamah. The seat of Elven magic and infused with amplifying stones and artifacts. It is a spired Citadel channelling moonbeams and sits in the misty shadow of the great Amanodel mountain.   As the Dark Elf Prince prepared to seize the Caethil Telmion's cosmic magics for his sinister ends, the High Archon raised her amber rod towards the hovering vault above - calling down the true power dwelling within the Solar Stones.   "By the Covenant of The Ascended Host, I now Release and Unfetter thee!"   Blazing rays burst from all six Solar Stones suspended around the hall. Celestial angels, planetars and solars coalesced from glowing wisps into physical avatars of light - finally freed after eons of luminous slumber to answer the Archon's dire plea.   Amruthil recoiled in dismay as the foremost solar unfurled fiery wings and pronounced judgement while the host began to Lay Hands upon the cringing dark elf. "Foul wretch who would pervert sacred oaths - feel now your stolen power cleansed by the Tears of Elune..."   Wracked by the celestial battery, the Prince collapsed, drained shadows evaporating from his writhing form. Only a broken shell lay twitching as the blinding healers merged back into fading stars. Their purpose complete, legend states the Angels' Great Work leaves the Stones dark...never to rekindle till flames of hope gutter once again at our darkest hour.   As the last echoes of the celestials faded within the Silver Star Halls, King Thaladion of the Astral Elves gazed down impassively upon Amruthil's smoking remnants. The High Archon approached the monarch expectantly as he raised the Crown of Arcane Might - ancient relic granting dominion over supernatural forces both fair and foul alike. "My liege, now focus all the Crown's cosmic dominion! Bind what lingering vestiges may yet shackle this wicked fiend's fragmented essence before he again grows whole and returns when stars blacken..." her voice shook in the bloodsoaked aftermath surrounding the throne.   Thaladion lowered his outstretched arms slowly, a shadow crossing his aquiline elven features now. "Let Amruthil's scattered shades flee into the formless wastes then. We must not sully our Guardians' pure victory with further violence nor dwell in darkness ourselves to fight it. I shall keep the Crown mine own till dangers dire again rise."   The Archon's eyes widened in dismay as the King's words sentenced the Prince's spirit to roam untethered across the vastness of the planes in search of new hosts, new souls to infest...and one day return.   Now your present day adventurers must unravel ancient secrets and prevent unnatural forces from snuffing out the last celestial bastions - lest dread Amruthil reweave his accursed flesh anew from souls by shadow gleaned!
The players start off with a Solar Stone (Alma) in their posession. They got it from a tower in Vellen. It had crashed there. There are 6 of these Solar Stones. The 6 have the following names:
  1. Alma - Meaning "nourishing" in ancient dialects, the feminine name invokes kindness and care. (Faerun-Vellen)
  2. Castiel - Drawn from angelic lore, it represents solitude and tears, alluding to sorrow over evils that plague mortals.
  3. Israfel - An angelic muse associated with poetry and music by some traditions, inspiring beauty amidst strife. (Mors-Rel)
  4. Gabriel - A masculine name meaning "God's able-bodied one", connected to strength and revelation.
  5. Sophiel - Derived from wisdom and judgement, a good name for an exacting angelic presence.
  6. Zadkiel - Various faiths tie Zadkiel to mercy, freedom and beneficence - virtues for an inspiring angelic guide.


Empathic Awareness: Alma awakens deeper perception for detecting shifts in moods/emotions or getting glimpses into true motivations. The wielder starts to get empathic hunches about impending danger, deception, or the emotional needs of a situation. Useful for evading traps social and literal. Insightful Whispers: When the wielder faces consequential decisions, soft chimes and intuitive thoughts manifest, almost subconsciously guiding wiser action like a guardian angel on your shoulder subtly nudging the odds favorably if heeded. Lucid Visions: Upon resting where Alma inhabits, the wielder's dreams transform into lucid glimpses through the ages of people, places and events - past, present or hints of future. Skill checks tap into this knowledge intuitively later.  


Sublime Resonance: Music from pipes, strings, and tones carries farther and sinks deeper into hearts for a time when Israfel’s bearer plays or performs. Snatches of half-heard celestial harmonies occasionally manifest when least expected. Aura of Grandeur: For brief moments during mighty successes, triumphant fanfare notes or sweeping orchestral punctuations audibly accompany the character as appropriate. Nearby creatures may be moved emotionally by the resonance of accomplishment. Favorable Acoustics: When wielding Israfel’s relic, the environment seems to subtly shift to elevate the carrier’s voices, allowing even whispers to reach allies’ ears across vast chambers. Enemies seem to shout plans openly.


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