Alpha Centauri System

The Alpha Centauri System, located in the Sol Sector, serves as the capital of the Centauri Republic. It is also the most densely populated system in civilized space, with two worlds with populations in the tens of billions. It serves as one of the major economic centers of human civilization, and is perhaps one of the few systems that compete for the title of most influential with the Sol System. The Alpha Centauri System is a rare, trianary star system.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 11 Alpha Centauri A "Rigil Kentaurus" G2V
Rigil Kentaurus, also known as Alpha Centauri A, is a G type main sequence star that is the primary star of the Alpha Centauri system. It is the largest, and brightest star and the system.

Rigil Kentaurus Orbiting Bodies

0 Alpha Centauri AI

UWP - Y220000-0

1 Alpha Centauri AII

UWP - YS00000-0

2 Cape Fear

UWP - F310162-F
  • 3,215 km diameter, approximately .25g gravity, Trace atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 86, Tech-level F, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Lo
A small world, and the inhabited world closest to Alpha Centauri A, Cape Fear is a hot world with negligible atmosphere. No terraforming attempts are underway, and Cape Fear serves primarily as a stellar survery station, keeping track of any disturbances in the trinary stars that make up the system.
2a-3 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
2b-50 Cape Fear I UWP - YS00000-0

3 Chiron (Primary World)

UWP - A785A42-G
  • 11,420 km diameter, approximately .9g gravity, Thin atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 52% of planet's surface
  • Population: 21,187,191,998 Tech-level 16, Type A Starport
  • Government: Representative Democracy, Overall Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Ht-Nc
Chiron is a wealthy and prosperous world that serves as the system capital as well as the capital world for the whole of the Centauri Republic. Due to the presence of two potent suns, Chiron is quite warm, with tropical conditions on nearly the entire planet. Chrion, though not as heavily industrialized as Anaximander is capable of producing the highest technology goods found in civilized space. Chiron's manufacturing capability is augmented by Pardian technology being processed by Planetary Expeditions.

4 Chernobog

UWP - F626362-G
  • 10,125 km diameter, approximately .75g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 64% of planet's surface
  • Population: 7,160, Tech-level G, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Lo-Res
Chernobog is a relatively barren world, as its comparatively thin atmosphere makes it difficult to support life. Currently, the planet is serving as a major research station, the projects carried out here are intended to keep the Republic on an even footing with the Union of Sol. In addition, there are a handful of squatter families that make their homes on the relatively isolated world.
4a-4: Chernobog I UWP - Y534000-0

Secondary Star

UWP-S - 12 Alpha Centauri B "Toliman" - K1V Orange Main
The second most prominent star in the Alpha Centauri System, Toliman, also known as Alpha Centauri B is host to its own cluster of stellar bodies that are more influenced by Toliman than they are by Rigil Kentaurus.

Secondary Orbiting Bodies

8-0 Planetoid Belt

UWP - Y000000-0

8-1 Jun

UWP - G100461-F
  • 1,586 km diameter, approximately .05g gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population 46,125, Tech-level F, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 1
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Ni-Va-Min
The Planet Jun is currently a small colony, operated directly by the central government of the Centauri Republic. An ongoing project is underway to terraform the planet for more widespread colonization, though a lack of resources has hampered progress in this regard.

8-2 Anaximander

UWP - G744A24-F
  • 11,760 km diameter, approximately .9g gravity, Thin, tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 45% of planet's surface
  • Population: 11,871,995,150 Tech-level F, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Participatory Democracy, Law Level: 4
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Ht-In
The second largest of Alpha Centauri's inhabited worlds, a heavily industrialized world that produces most of the manufactured goods created in system, Anaximander is a, second to Chiron the most important world in the whole of the Centauri Republic. As there isn't a large gas giant, Anaximander generally takes over as provider of fuel for starships, manufacturing it in bulk for the consumption of ships moving through the system.

8-3 Cassandra

UWP - G887823-F
  • 12,650 km diameter, approximately 1g gravity, Thick atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 79% of planet's surface
  • Population: 560,182,876, Tech-level 15, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Participatory Democracy, Law Level: 3
  • Trade Codes: Ag-Ht-Ga-Ri-Far
A large, well developed agricultural colony, Cassandra serves as the breadbasket of the Alpha Centauri System. Cassandra produces enough food to provide for most of the other worlds in the system, though some out of system food supply is sometimes necessary. Its mild climate is quite pleasant, and a major secondary industry, in the form of tourism has formed in recent years.

Secondary Star

UWP-S - 13 Alpha Centauri C "Proxima" - M6V Red Dwarf Star
The smallest, and furthest of Alpha Centauri's stars, Proxima, also known as Alpha Centauri C. It is a dimmer place at the edge of the Solar System. Populations around this star are much smaller, and more isolated than those orbiting other stars.

Secondary Orbiting Bodies

Far-0 Spaceland

UWP-S - Y000104-F
  • Planetoid Belt
  • Population: 75, Tech-level 15, No Starport
  • Government: None, Law Level: 4
  • Trade Codes: As-Ht-Lo-Va
A small, anarchist separatist colony at the edge of the system, Spaceland is tolerated by the government of the Republic, though the colony is largely left uncontacted and unsupported.

Far-1 Danae

UWP-S - G100661-G
  • 1,100 km diameter, .05g gravity, No atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 1,862,012, Tech-level 16, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 1
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Na-Ni-Va-Col-Min
A large minding colony operated as one of the primary resource extraction sites in the system. The colony also maintains an advanced materials research facility owned by Centaurus Manufacturing. Danae is considered by many to be the edge of civilization in the system, though a small colony does exist further out.
Far-1a-30 Danae I UWP-S - YS00000-0

Far-2 Reynard

UWP-S - F320422-F
  • 4,200 km diameter, .25g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 25,680, Tech-level 15, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Participatory Democracy, Law Level: 2
  • Trade Codes: De-Ht-Ni-Po-Min
A small, impoverished semi-independent world at the edge of the system, Reynard maintains some amount of independence from the main body of the Republic, but is technically a member world. Reynard is the poorest world in the system, and is largely seen as a dumping ground for the cultural outcasts.
Far-2a-3 Planetary Ring UWP-S- YR00000-0
Far-2b-4 Reynard I UWP-S - Y421000-0
UWP-1 - A. Centauri 0407 A785A42-G
USSP - A. Centauri 0407 C G
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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