Sol System

The Sol System is the oldest human inhabited star system in all of the galaxy, and long served as the capital world for various governments that mostly unified the human race during the Ace of Unity. The Scourging of Earth, and the resulting infection by the Jred has seen Earth itself reduced to a hostile wasteland. The new system capital, Mars has since become the capital of the Union of Sol. Despite its decline, the Sol System remains one of the most technologically, and economically developed systems in civilized space, and is home to multiple important galactic organizations.  

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 00 Sol "Sol" - G2V
Sol is a yellow main sequence star. It is commonly referred to as the sun, by persons living within the Union of Sol, are who are influenced heavily by solar culture.

Major Orbiting Bodies

1 Mercury

UWP - G300419-F
  • 4,880 km diameter, approximately .25g gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 871, Tech-level 15 , Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Corporate, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Lo-Ni-Min
Mercury is a smaller colony not directly occupied by Solar authorities. Instead it is used as a base of operations for the Solar Industrial Consortium used to mine fairly common minerals that are utilized in terraforming technologies.

2 Venus

UWP - F855699-G
  • 12,103 km diameter, approximately 1g gravity, Thin atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises 50% of planetary surface
  • Population: 2,312,950, Tech-level 16, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: Ag-Ga-Ht-Ri-Col-Far-Res
Venus is one of the most heavily terraformed worlds in civilized space, and has been converted successfully from a dead rock, to a hot, though livable world. Most people live at the poles where habitability, similar to tropical conditions on Old Earth, is maintained year round. However, Solar research facilities have been established closer to the equator, where summer heats are too high for unprotected persons.

3 Earth

UWP - Y8F7000-0
Earth sometimes referred to as Old Earth, is the ancestral home of all of humanity. It long served as the capital of the succession of human civilizations that mostly unified humanity in the galaxy. After the Scourging of Earth, the planet has been left a Jred infested wasteland. High intensity Jred spore infestation means that even vacc suit protection is not a sure means avoiding infection. The two main megastructure projects, the Project Gaia satellite array and the space elevator were damaged, but not destroyed in the Scouring of Earth, and function intermittently.
3a-60 Luna
UWP - F200973-G
  • 3,476 km diameter, approximately .15g, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 1,152,250,115, Tech-level 16 (Pre-Fall), Type B/F Starport with Scout Guild Waystation
  • Government: Balkanized (Shared Ownership Factions: Union of Sol SEZ, Galactic Surveryor's Guild, Law Level: 3
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Ht-In-Va-Res
A major trade center, containing Sol's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for the Union of Sol, as well as serving as the headquarters of the Galactic Surveyor's Guild, which govern the planet jointly. Luna is the system's hub of trade, and the gateway between Sol and the rest of the galaxy. It is home to the largest shipyard in the sector, one which is renowned throughout the galaxy for producing high quality, high technology vessels, primarily for the Solar Navy, and the Galactic Surveyor's Guild, and is one of the few shipyards capable of creating ships from the Sol Sector Fleet Standard Build Template.

4 Mars (Primary World)

UWP - A442999-G
  • 6,794 km diameter, approximately .35g gravity, Thin, tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises 24% of planetary surface
  • Population: 5,710,812,151, Tech-level 16, Type A Starport with local Naval Depot
  • Government: Impersonal Bureaucracy, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Ht-In-Nc-Cp
The capital of the system, and of the Union of Sol, Mars was the subject to heavy terrforming on a scale similar to Venus. It was made quite habitable, though centuries of intense industrial activity, especially since the Long Night, have polluted the world's atmosphere, and now Martians require special breathing apparatuses to survive on the planet's surface. Most live in domed cities that serve as the manufacturing and political hubs of the planet, as well as concentrating the population in areas where they can be closely monitored for deviant activity by the Solar government. Mars is host to several advanced industries, and is a key manufacturing center for the Solar Industrial Consortium, the Solar State Armaments Corporation, and the Alliance of Solar Consumer Goods Manufacturers.
4a-1 Phobos
UWP - FS00369-G
  • 24 km diameter, Negligible Gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 1,555, Tech-level 16, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: As-Lo-Mil
One of Mars' two moons, and host to a vitally important military base. Phobos is home to Sol's jumpspace ansible, one of less than a dozen known to exist in the galaxy. Phobos is home to the military high command which uses the Ansible to coordinate the Solar Navy with far greater efficacy than would ever be possible without it. Access to Phobos is restricted only to approved military personnel, with trespassers executed without trial.
4a-2 Moon: Deimos
UWP - YS00369-G
  • 12 km diameter, Negligible Gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 1,286, Tech-level 16, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: As-Lo-Mil
Though not as important as Phobos, Deimos is a vital military installation that serves as a major storage facility for Solar Military equipment. Deimos is also heavily protected, as Naval vessels are frequently posted here while undergoing resupply from the installation. Attempts have been made to install a repair facility on Deimos, but the presence of Mars' own shipyards have dampened these plans.

5 Asteroid Belt

UWP - G000619-F
  • Planetoid Belt
  • Population: 1,325,861, Tech-level 15, Type D/G Starport
  • Government Corporate, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: As-Ht-Na-Ni-Va-Min
Occupied via charter by the Solar Industrial Consortium from Ceres, the Asteroid belt is a heavily developed network of mines, mining ships, and planetoid facilitating one purpose, the extraction of as many valuable minerals as possible from the millions of planetoids in the belt. The asteroid belt is economically prosperous, but entirely dependent on a steady supply of labor and materials from Mars, something which the Solar government uses to keep the Industrial Consortium in check.

6 Jupiter

USP-2 - Large GG
Jupiter is the largest gas giant in the Sol System. It is used as a refueling point, but its primary attraction are the important moons that orbit it.
6a-6 Moon: Io
UWP - H2104E7-F
  • 3,630 km diameter, approximately .15g, Trace atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 86,152, Tech-level 15, Type E/H Starport (Orbital Facility)
  • Government: Theocratic Dictatorship, Law Level: 7
  • Trade Codes: Or
Io is a small independent world orbiting Jupiter. Its most famous claim to fame is that it is home to the Papal See, one of the most important institutions in the Christian galaxy, even after millennia of scattering to the stars. The See fled to a station orbiting the moon after the Scourging of Earth. It maintains its independence, but finds itself under increasing pressure to accept annexation by the Union Sol.
6b-9 Europa UWP- Y200000-0
6c-15 Ganymede
UWP - F30A669-F
  • 5,262 km diameter, approximately .25g gravity, No atmosphere, Global Ocean (Under ice)
  • Population: 3,250,752, Tech-level 15, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Tade Codes: Ic-Va-Wa-Col-Min
One of the largest moons in the system, and a major source of food for the whole of the system, Ganymede is a prison colony operated by the Union of Sol utilizing aquaculture methods in antigrav facilities suspended deep in the moon's ocean. Ganymede is often considred one of the hardest prisons to escape from in civilized space, with, thus far no successful escapes since the facilities started operations during the Long Night.
6d-25 Callisto
UWP - G310469-G
  • 4,806 km diameter, approximately .25g, Trace atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 15,125, Tech-level 16, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: Ni-Va-Mil-Res
Host to a very important military research facility, Callisto's functions are shrouded in mystery. Civilian contractors on the moon have described a heavily automated facility with a large reactor at its heart. Regardless, if one does find themselves on Callisto, it would be unwise to move beyond designated areas in order to avoid detainment and execution.

7 Saturn

USP-2 - Large GG
Saturn is the second largest planet in the Sol System, and is often regarded as the edge of Solar civilization. This is because the moons of Saturn are some of the last that possess facilities beyond research stations and military bases.
7a-2 Planetary Ring UWP - Y R00000-0
7b-3 Janus UWP - YS00000-0
7c-3 Mimas UWP - YS00000-0
7d-4 Enceladus
UWP - GS00268-G
  • 500 km diameter, Negligible gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 115, Tech-level 16, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: As-Lo-Ni-Va-Res
Home to an orbiting research lab, Eceladus is often host to comparatively dangerous experiments that could pose a danger to the inner system if catastrophe strikes. Though it is legal to approach this system, controls are much higher here than in many other parts of the system.
7e-5 Tethys UWP - YS00000-0
7f-6 Dione UWP - YS00000-0
7g-9 Rhea
UWP - H100469-F
  • 1,528 km diameter, .005g gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 11,151, Tech-level 15 (Late Stellar), Type E/H Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: Ni-Va-Min
The furhtest major civilian installation from the sun, the mining colony on Rhea serves as a major source of certain key minerals, as well as a base of operations for belters mining the Kuiper Belt.
7h-20 Titan
UWP - H3A0169-G
  • 5,149 km diameter, approximately .25g gravity, Exotic (Methane-based) atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 87, Tech-level 16, Type E/H Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: De-Lo-Ni-Res
The largest moon in the Sol system, Titan is home to a government research lab. Titan's facilities are quite small in comparison to many others, and is primarily used for isolated research. The moon is under heavy restrictions most of the time, though it is not known why.
7i-25 Hyperion UWP - YS00000-0
7j-60 Iapetus UWP- YI00000-0
7k-225 Phoebe UWP - YS00000-0

8 Uranus

One of the further planets of the Sol System, Uranus is largely utilized only as a fuel source for ships transiting the system. All of its moons too are uninhabited, meaning there are no points of interest here.
8a-1 Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
8b-2 Puck UWP - YS00000-0
8c-3] Miranda UWP - YS00000-0
8d-4 Ariel UWP - Y100000-0
8e-5 Umbriel UWP - YS00000-0
8f-6 Titania UWP - Y100000-0
8g-7 Oberon UWP - Y100000-0

9 Neptune

The furthest planet from Sol, Neptune is almost completely devoid of life. A single, small research station on Galatea is all that exists. For the most part, Neptune is used as a refueling point.
9a-2 Galatea
UWP HS00169-G
  • 174 km diameter, Negligible gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 72, Tech-level 16, Type E/H Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes: As-Lo-Va-Res
Home to a small research laboratory, Galatea is often seen as something of a dumping ground for dissident scientists, as the projects they work on here are very often not especially important, but are greatly isolated from the rest of the Union.
9b-15 Triton UWP - Y210000-0
9c-20 Nereid UWP - YS00000-0

10 Pluto

UWP - F10046C-G
  • 2376 km diamter, approximately .005g gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 25,762, Tech-level 16, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 9
  • Trade Codes Ni-Va-Mil
Pluto is a small world home to a rather large military base. This base, first and foremost acts as a listening post, detecting signs of incoming attack, and destroying smaller threats to the inner worlds of the system. It maintains a surprisingly large staff, as well as hosting a sizable portion of Sol's local naval fleet.
10a-20 Charon UWP - YS00000-0
UWP-1 - Sol 0207 AB94985-C
USSP - Sol 0207 A G2V A G
Alternative Name(s)
Solar System, Earth System, Mars System
Star System
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