Ceti System

The Ceti System, sometimes referred to by the name of its star, Tau Ceti, is a major star system that serves as the capital of the Cetian Union, and is one of the most influential systems of the Fracana Sector. The Cetian System is one of the most heavily fortified systems in the galaxy with a number of military bases and maintenance of powerful plaentary shielding on all of its main colonies in the system.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 17 Tau Ceti "Tau Ceti" - G8V
One of the oldest

Major Orbiting Bodies

0 Planetoid Belt

UWP - F000468-E
  • Planetoid Belt
  • Poulation: 62,821, Tech-level 14, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level 8
  • Trade Codes: As-Ht-Va-Mil
Formerly a semi-independent mining colony, the Ceti System's Planetoid Belt has since been seized by the Junta ruling the Cetian Union. Despite the change in management however, its function remains the same. However, a small military outpost has been established to coordinate with belters, and protect the belt from pirate operations.

1 Secondary World Tau Ceti I

UWP - YS00000-0

2 Secondary World Oromo

UWP - H648668-F
  • 9,588 km diameter, Approximately .7g gravity, Thin, tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 82% of planet's surface
  • Population: 5,781,512, Tech-Level: 15, Type E/H Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Ag-Ht-Col-Mil
The second most important world in the Ceti System, Oromo has been the result of a successful terraforming and colonization program undertaken by the Junta, and has become a model colony. It is also home to a military base which trains for planetary operations.

3 Okoye (Primary World)

UWP - A986AA8-F
  • 15,120 km diameter, Approximately 1.25g gravity, Thick atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 67% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 11,761,950, Tech-level 15, Type A Starport with Scout Guild Waystation, and Local Naval Depot
  • Government: Charismatic Dicatorship, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Hi-Ht-Nc
Okoye is the capital of the System, and of the Cetian Union. This world is a highly developed world, that is fully industrialized, and heavily populated, though advanced technology, and careful management has ensured that the world has not become poisoned as the price for its economic development. The conditions on Okoye are the best in the system, despite high population density, and indeed some of the best in the whole of the Cetian Union.
3a-5 Tarnol
UWP - Y557468-E
  • 8,150 km diameter, Approximately .45g gravity, Thin atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 71% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 78,120, Tech-level 14, Type X/Y Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Ag-Ga-Ht-Far
One of the larger moons of Okoye, Tarnol is an agricultural world, dedicated to producing food for the system, a task which it excels in producing enough food to feed itself, Okoye, all the other worlds of the system, and still has enough extra produce that it can be exported to other systems.
3b-8 Okoye B
UWP - YS00000-0
3c-9 Karakyl
UWP - Y426568-F
  • 6,500 km diameter, Approximately .35g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphre, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 22% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 712,198, Tech-level 14, Type X/Y Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Tade Codes: Ht-Lo-Mil
A relatively substantial colony, Karakyl is home to the system's primary military base. This base includes extensive training facilities, supply depots, and other major elements that ensure the high standard of training and readiness required by the Cetian military, as well as being the first major dropoff point for those doing their national service.

4 Secondary World Hecla

UWP - Y420268-E
  • 6,211 km diameter, Approximately .35g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphre, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 675, Tech-level 14, Type D/G Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: De-Lo-Po
An impoverished, small colony closer to the edge of the system, Hecla has been facing pressure from the ruling government to disband and return to Okoye, or otherwise be folded into the more successful colonies of the territory. The local governing body however, has lobbied for terraforming support to mixed success.
4a-3 Planetary Ring
UWP - YR00000-0
4b-35 Hecla A
UWP - YS00000-0
4c-45 Hecla B
UWP - Y100000-0

5 Secondary World Krona

UWP - H924368-F
  • 14,081 km diameter, approximately 1.25g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphre, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 46% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 1,516, Tech-level 15, Type E/H Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Po-Lo-Mil
Krona is home to another impoverished colony, one that has struggled to survive since the Great Cataclysm. This colony has been slowly subjected to terraforming by the ruling Junta which seeks to ensure Krona continues to survive as the planet itself is richer in minerals valued by the state.

7 Gas Giant Tau Ceti V

USP-2 - Large GG
4a-7 Tau Ceti Va
UWP - YS00000-0
4a-8 Balon
UWP - Y806368-E
  • 12,680 km diamter, Approximately 1g gravity, No atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 60% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 7,981, Tech-level 14, Type X/Y Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Ic-Lo-Ht
An ice covered, vacuum world, the moon of Balon has been home to a modest colony, used primarily as a fuel refinery for the outer system. Life on Balon is quiet, and relatively peaceful despite its position at the heart of the militant Cetian Union. 4b-9 Tau Ceti
UWP - Vc Y210000-0
4c-10 Tau Ceti Vd
UWP - Y727000-0
4d-13 Tau-Ceti Ve
UWP - Y100000-0
4e-35 Martial
UWP - Y422268-E
  • 6,555 km diameter, Approximately .45g gravity, Very thin, tainted atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 25% of the planet's surface
  • Population: 540, Tech-level 14, Type X/Y Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 8
  • Trade Codes: Ht-Lo-Po
4f-45 Tau Ceti Vg
UWP - Y100000-0

8 Gas Giant Tau Ceti VI

USP-2 - Small GG
8a-9 Tau Ceti VIa
UWP - YS00000-0
8b-35 Tau Ceti VIb
UWP- YS00000-0
UWP-1 - Ceti 1419 A986AA8-F
Alternative Name(s)
Tau Ceit
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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