Fracana System

The Fracana System is the nominal capital of the Fracana Sector, and the actual capital of the Fracana League. It is a wealthy and prosperous though highly centralized star system, with the overwhelming majority of its population, most of its industrial base, and almost all institutions of note located in the system capital of Scipion. The Fracana System has become significantly more important however, with the growing power and influence of Scipion Studio Enterprises which has become a galactic media giant.

Major Celestial Bodies

Primary Star

UWP-S - 86 Lamda Ceti "Aleph Fracanis" G6V
Aleph Fracanis is a yellow main sequence star that is slightly less massive, and slightly less luminous than Sol. It also maintains a star system that is significantly smaller than that of the Sol System, with a stellar accretion disk that was much smaller than Sol in its early history. This leaves it with slightly more than half as many planets and far fewer moons.

Major Orbiting Bodies


1 Secondary World Fracana I

UWP - YS00000-0

2 Scipion (Primary World)

UWP - B867844-G
  • 12,650 km diameter, Approximately 1g gravity, Earthlike atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 71% of planet's surface
  • Population: 999,987,102, Tech-level 16, Type B Starport with Survey Guild Waystation and local Naval Base
  • Government: Representative Democracy; Other Factions: Scipion Studio Enterprises, Law Level: 4
  • Trade Codes: Ga-Ht-Ri-Cp
Scipion, the capital of the system, is by far its most populous and economically relevant world. A wealthy, garden world with a modest, though self-sufficient industrial base, it has become the center for commerce in the Fracana Sector, and is home to Scipion Studio Enterprises, one of the largest and most successful corporate entities in the galaxy.
2a-32 Gnaeus UWP - Y300521-F
  • 3,200 km diamater, Approximately .15g Gravity, No atmosphere, No Hydrosphere
  • Population: 107,751, Tech-level 15, No Starport
  • Government: Participatory Democracy, Law Level: 1
  • Trade Codes: Va
The oldest and largest of the Fracana System's secondary colonies, Gnaeus is a healthy world that serves as a hub for mining operations throughout the system and the more polluting industries.

3 Barca

UWP - Y485417-F --6,512 km diameter, Approximately .35g gravity, Thick atmosphere, Hydrosphere comprises approximately 53% of planet's surface --Population: 27,181, Tech-level 15, No Starport --Government: Corporate, Law Level: 7 --Trade Codes: Ga-Ni Barco is a smaller corporate colony. Though it does not have the population necessary to sustain major agricultural operations, does produce a significant surplus of agricultural products. It focuses primarily on non-food agriculture, producing plant matter that is used in industrial applications.
3a-9 Barca A UWP - YS00000-0

4 Fracana IV

  USP-2 - Small GG
4a-1: Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0
4b-3: Planetary Ring UWP - YR00000-0

5 Fracana V 

USP-2 - Ice GG 5a-7 Moon: Farhold - FS00466-G
  • 250 km diameter, Negligible gravity, No atmosphere, No hydrosphere
  • Population: 19,059, Tech-level 16, Type B/F Starport
  • Government: Subordinate Government, Law Level: 6
  • Trade Codes: As-Ni-Va-Mil
Home to Fracana's largest military base, Farhold is a major installation with major supply depots and refit yards that support the operations of the defense fleet. The planetoid is nearly completely hollowed out in the name of Fracana's interests.
UWP-1 - Fracana 1513 B867844-G
USSP - Fracana 1513 G6V 6 G
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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