
Itinerant persons moving from one system, one starport, one ship to the next, trading a day's work for a meager reward, with no permanent employer. Often the ranks of drifter communities are filled by those who have fallen on hard times, and lost their previous jobs, struggling to change their careers, though some rare individuals prefer the freedom of drifting around, even without access to many resources. Drifters can be found throughout charted space, and work for any number of employers, always on a temporary basis. Drifters must therefore develop a fairly broad array of skills in order to survive.
Special Rules: If you fail a survival check from this career, fail to qualify for another career, and are not required to take the prisoner career, you must finish your career. You may take this career even after failing a survival check previously, so long as you have spent at least one term in another career.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills
1 STR +1 Athletics
2 END +1 Melee (unarmed)
3 DEX +1 Recon
4 Language Streetwise
5 Gambler Stealth
6 Jack-of-all-Trade Survival
1D Temp Worker Wanderer Scavenger
1 Electronics Drive Pilot (small craft)
2 Drive or Seafarer Deception Mechanic
3 Profession Recon Astrogation
4 Pilot (small craft) Stealth Vacc Suit
5 Profession Streetwise Profession
6 Jack-of-all-Trades Survival Gun Combat

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Temp Worker Wanderer Scavenger
1 Streetwise 1 Vacc Suit 1
2 Diplomat 1
3 Deception 1 Profession (belter) 1
4 Profession (any) 1 Mechanic 1
6 Admin 1


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.
3 You run afoul of a criminal gang, corrupt bureaucrat or other foe. Gain an Enemy.
4 You suffer from a life-threatening illness. Reduce your END by 1.
5 Betrayed by a friend. One of your Contacts or Allies betrays you, ending your career. That Contact or Ally becomes a Rival or Enemy. If you have no Contacts or Allies, then you are betrayed by someone you never saw coming and still gain a Rival or Enemy. In addition, roll 2D. If you roll 2, you must take the Prisoner career in your next term.
6 You do not know what happened to you. There is a gap in your memory.


2D Event
2 2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 A patron offers you a chance at a job. If you accept, you gain DM+4 to your next Qualification roll, but you owe that patron a favour.
4 You pick up a few useful skills here and there. Gain one level of Jack-of-all-Trades, Survival, Streetwise or Melee (any).
5 You manage to scavenge something of use. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You encounter something unusual. Go to the Life Events Table and have an Unusual Event.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You are attacked by enemies. Gain an Enemy if you do not have one already, and roll either Melee 8+, Gun Combat 8+ or Stealth 8+ to avoid a roll on the Injury Table.
9 ou are offered a chance to take part in a risky but rewarding adventure. If you accept, roll 1D:
On a 1-2, you are injured or arrested; either roll on the Injury Table or take the Prisoner career in your next term.
On 3-4, you survive, but gain nothing.
On a 5-6, you succeed. Gain DM+4 to one Benefit roll.
10 Life on the edge hones your abilities. Increase any skill you already have by one level.
11 Press Ganged! You must take a military career next term.
12 You thrive on adversity. You are automatically promoted.


1D Cash Benefits
1 None Contact
2 None Weapon
3 GCr1,000 Ally
4 GCr1,000 Weapon
5 GCr3,000 EDU +1
6 GCr4,000 Ship Share
7 GCr8,000 Two Ship Share
Qualification: Automatic
Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Temp Worker. Working in a traditional role as a temporary worker, moving on and changing jobs when the work dries up.
Wanderer. A homeless wanderer begging, and living hand to mouth in the slums and starports of the galaxy.
Scavenger. A belter, or a member of a salvage crew.

Temp Worker. INT 5+
Wanderer. END 7+
Scavenger. DEX 7+
Temp Worker. EDU 7+
Wanderer. INT 7+
Scavenger. END 5+


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