Naval Rating

Members of the Navy are persons who serve in spacebound military forces. They are frequently responsible for warfare within space, and patrolling the frontiers of the various states of which they are a member. A navy member could also, in theory be part of a transatmospheric fighter corps for indendent worlds just starting to take the first steps back into space. Navy personnel require a certain level of technological and economic development, and are either typically employed by major interstellar states, major interstellar corporations or rarely by independent worlds with a high level of development.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+) Commissioned (Commissioned Only)
1 STR +1 Pilot Electronics Leadership
2 DEX +1 Vacc Suit Astrogation Electronics
3 END +1 Athletics Engineer Pilot
4 INT +1 Gunner Mechanic Melee (blade)
5 EDU +1 Mechanic Navigation Admin
6 SOC +1 Gun Combat Admin Tactics (naval)
1D Line/Crew Engineer/Gunner Flight
1 Electronics Engineer Pilot
2 Mechanic Mechanic Flyer
3 Gun Combat Electronics Gunner
4 Flyer Engineer Pilot (small craft)
5 Melee Gunner Astrogation
6 Vacc Suit Flyer Electronics

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Title (Enlisted) Skill or Bonus
0 Rating
1 Able Rating Mechanic 1
2 Chief Rating Vacc Suit 1
3 Junior Petty Officer
4 Petty Officer END +1
5 Senior Petty Officer
6 Chief Petty Officer
Rank Title (Commissioned) Skill or Bonus
1 Ensign Melee (blade)
2 Junior Lieutenant Leadership 1
3 Senior Lieutenant
4 Commander Tactics (naval 1)
5 Captain SOC 10 or +1 (whichever is higher)
6 Admiral SOC 12 or +1 (whichever is higher)


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured in action (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 Improper muscle training for low gravity. Reduce STR, DEX or END by 1 due to muscle wastage. You are not ejected from this career.
3 During a battle, defeat or victory depends on your actions. You must make an 8+ roll using a skill that depends on your branch: Electronics (sensors) or Gunner if you are crew, Mechanic or Vacc Suit if you are engineer/gunner, and Pilot (small craft or spacecraft) or Tactics (naval) if you are flight. If you fail, the ship suffers severe damage and you are blamed for the disaster. You are court-martialled and discharged. If you succeed, your efforts ensure that you are honorably discharged. You still leave the career, but may keep your Benefit roll from this term.
4 You are blamed for an accident that causes the death of several crew members. If you were responsible, then you gain one free roll on the Skills and Training table before you are ejected from this career as your guilt drives you to excel. If you were not, then gain the officer who blamed you as an Enemy, but you keep your Benefit roll from this term
5 You quarrel with another soldier. Gain a rival.
6 Injured. Roll on the Injury Table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 You join a gambling circle on board. Gain Gambler 1 or Deception 1. If you wish, throw Gambler 8+. If you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll from this career; if you fail, you lose one Benefit roll from this career.
4 You are given a special assignment or duty on board ship. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll
5 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to gain one level in any skill you already have.
6 Your vessel participates in a notable military engagement. Gain one of Electronics 1, Engineer 1, Gunner 1 or Pilot 1.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 Your vessel participates in a diplomatic mission. Gain one of Recon 1, Diplomat 1, Steward 1 or a Contact.
9 You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy, but also gain DM+2 to your next Advancement roll in the Navy.
10 You have the opportunity to abuse your position for profit. If you do so, gain an extra Benefit roll from this term. Refuse, and you get DM+2 to your next Advancement roll.
11 Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career. Either gain Tactics (naval) 1 or DM+4 to your next Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 You display heroism in battle, saving the whole ship. You automatically pass your next promotion or commission roll.


1D Cash Benefit
1 GCr1,000 Personal Vehicle or Ship Share
2 GCr5,000 INT +1
3 GCr5,000 EDU +1 or two Ship Shares
4 GCr10,000 Weapon
5 GCr20,000 two Ship Shares
6 GCr50,000 Ship's Boat or two Ship Shares
7 GCr50,000 SOC +2
Qualification: INT 6+
DM-1 for every previous career
DM-2 if you are aged 30 or more
Commission: Soc 8+
Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Line/Crew: You were a fairly generalized crew or officer that helped keep the ship running.
Engineer/Gunner: You had training and served as a gunner or as a skilled engineer on a ship.
Flight: You were the pilot of a small craft, or a transatmospheric craft.
Line/Crew. INT 5+
Engineer/Gunner. INT 6+
Flight. DEX 7+
Line/Crew. EDU 7+
Engineer. EDU 6+
Flight. EDU 5+


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