Planetary Soldier

A planetary soldier is a person who serves in a military force that is largely planet bound. Usually this comes in the form a planetary defense force (PDF), though in larger states there are powerful military forces built to conduct long term offensive campaigns, moving in heavy transports instead of embarking on quick planetary assaults. Alternatively, a planetary soldier could serve in a local "wet" navy, or terrestrial air force. Planetary soldiers are employed by most modestly or highly developed worlds, and are to be contrasted with Feral warriors, who hail from feral worlds, and Naval Infantry who are trained to fight in space to space and space to ground operations.
Special Rules: Planetary soldiers chose to use the Cavalry or Airitime assignments may use their assignment table for skills in their basic training.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills Advanced Education (EDU 8+) Officer (Commissioned Only)
1 STR +1 Drive or Vacc Suit Tactics (military) Tactics (military)
2 DEX +1 Athletics Electronics Leadership
3 END +1 Gun Combat Navigation Advocate
4 Gambler Recon or Vacc Suit Explosives Diplomat
5 Medic Melee Engineer Electronics
6 Melee Heavy Weapons Survival Admin
1D Support Infantry Cavalry Airitime
1 Mechanic Gun Combat Mechanic Profession or Mechanic
2 Drive or Flyer Melee Drive Seafarer or Flyer
3 Profession Heavy Weapons Flyer Seafarer or Flyer
4 Explosives Stealth Recon Profession or Mechanic
5 Electronics (comms) Athletics Heavy Weapons (vehicle) Electronics or Gunner
6 Medic Recon Electronics (sensors) Electronics or Gunner


Rank Title (Enlisted) Skill or Bonus
0 Private Gun Combat 1
1 Specialist Recon or Heavy Weapons 1
2 Corporal
3 Lance Sergeant Leadership 1
4 Junior Sergeant
5 Sergeant
6 Senior Sergant
Rank Title (Commissioned) Skill or Bonus
1 Lieutenant Leadership 1
2 Captain
3 Major Tactics (Military) 1
4 Lieutenant Colonel
5 Colonel
6 General Soc 10 or +1 (Whichever is higher)


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured in action (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 The unit you served in suffers a catastrophic defeat. You blame your commander. Gain an Enemy.
3 You are sent to an unpleasant region (jungle, swamp, desert, icecap, urban) fighting in a guerilla war. You were rendered incapable of service or dischared in a coverup. Increase Recon or Survival by one level but also gain an Enemy.
4 You are caught up in some criminal activity. You may fight it; roll Advocate 8+ to avoid Prison and gain an ally, or cooperate with authorities; get discharged but keep your benefits for the term.
5 You quarrel with another soldier. Gain a rival.
6 Injured. Roll on the injury table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
3 You are assigned to a hostile or wild environment. Gain one of Vacc Suit 1, Engineer 1, Animals (riding or training) 1 or Recon 1.
4 You are assigned to an urbanised area torn by war. Gain one of Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, Persuade 1 or Recon 1.
5 You are given a special assignment or duty in your unit. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
6 You are thrown into a engagement. Roll EDU 8+ to avoid injury; if you succeed, you gain one level in Gun Combat or Leadership
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events Table.
8 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to increase any one skill you already have by one level.
9 Surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy, you hold out until relief arrives. Gain DM+2 to your next Advancement check.
10 You are assigned to a peacekeeping role. Gain one of Admin 1, Investigate 1, Deception 1 or Recon 1.
11 Your commanding officer takes an interest in your career. Either gain Tactics (military) 1 or DM+4 to your next Advancement roll thanks to their aid.
12 You display heroism in battle. You may gain a promotion or a commission automatically.


1D Cash Benefits
1 GCr2000 Combat Implant
2 GCr5000 INT +1
3 GCr10,000 EDU +1
4 GCr10,000 Weapon
5 GCr20,000 Armor
6 GCr20,000 END +1 or Combat Implant
7 GCr30,000 SOC +1 or Personal Vehicle
Qualification: End 5+
DM-1 for every previous career
DM-2 if you are aged 30 or more
Commission: Soc 8+
Assignments: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Support: You worked in logistics, as an engineer, or part of the ever expansive "tail" of any functional military organization.
Infantry: You were in the infantry. This could be in the form of line infantry firing black powder weaponry, or powered armored fusion gun wielding super-soldiers or anything in between.
Cavalry: You were in a cavalry detachment, driving or flying a vehicle, possibly you were in a reconnaissance unit.
Airitime: You were in a planetary "wet" navy or a terrestrial air force.
Support. END 5+
Infantry. STR 6+
Cavalry. INT 7+
Airitime. INT 6+
Support. EDU 7+
Infantry. EDU 6+
Cavalry. Int 5+
Airitime. EDU 6+


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