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Lord Farristin Firahel

Farristin Firahel (a.k.a. Farris, The Amber Sage)

“Do you have any spells that would make him not lie?”

“Well no, but I do have a spell that would make him... not live.”

-Aurora the Thief and Farristin the Necromancer discuss interrogation techniques.  

A misanthrope who prefers the company of corpses to companions, Farristin is a High Elf wizard with a disregard for those unable to cast magic. He fled to The New World in order to escape from those that would persecute him for his practice of necromancy . While not intrinsically malicious , his patronizing manner does him no favors in improving the public's image of necromancers.

During his first foray into the New World, Farristin was assigned by Matthias de Culville to aid a band of adventures tasked with securing the Southern Amber Tower of The Green Expanse. The group included Farristin, Alejandro Oscar Fierto de la Rioja, Silver Under Moonlight, Nymeria LaFae, Butch, Oscar Grey, Finnea Pride, and Fuegor Altear. During their travels to the Southern Amber Tower, the company twice encountered and fought The Undying Legion, surviving each skirmish injured, but alive. After finally arriving at their destination, the party found a number of monsters inhabiting the tower. Most notably a two-headed adult blue dragon, which proved a formidable foe in battle, but was eventually felled by Oscar Grey.

After the adventure, Farristin chose to use his share of the spoils to re-purpose the Western Amber Tower into his own personal stronghold. Farristin was forced to make deals with several other adventurers in order to successfully build the tower, including the paladin Declan Sals. But shortly after upholding his end of the deal, Declan Sals was slain by Ankegs and buried in Culville. Feeling indebted to the fallen paladin, Farristin swore fealty to Alejandro Oscar Fierto de la Rioja in exchange for the means necessary to resurrect Declan Sals. Grateful towards Farristin for providing him with another chance at life, Declan Sals forsook his oath to Bahamut in favor of swearing loyalty to the necromancer who revived him.

Farristin would later travel south into The Misty Moors to take part in the expedition that discovered both The Temple of Hel and the Ancient Amber Keep. Sometime afterwards, while spelunking through the Cave of the Deep Gnomes, Farristin would witness the death of Calahan Caliburn at the hands of an Intellect Devourer. Though he only knew the witch doctor for a brief time, Farristin chose to personally return Calahan's body to The Globe Theater for burial.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

  • Knowledge is power
  • Necromancy is the greatest form of magic

Personality Characteristics


To accumulate knowledge and become the greatest necromancer of all time.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Necromancy
  • Fellow Spellcasters
  • Books
  • Loud people
  • Idiots


Contacts & Relations

Friends & Allies

  • King Alejandro Oscar Fierto de la Rioja


  • Never stands up straight
  • Rarely smiles


  • Has a raspy voice
  • Dry sense of humor
True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of the Amber Archives, Court Wizard of Outreme
Year of Birth
606 158 Years old
Current Residence
Pale Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
183 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Abyssal, Infernal, Deep Speech
Ruled Locations

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