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Death Saves

Death Saves are rolls a player character must make in order to remain alive when they are reduced to 0 Hit Points. So long as a character remains at 0 Hit Points, they must make a Death Save at the beginning of their turn each round and are otherwise Incapacitated (see There are no modifiers added to a Death Save. Rather, the character simply rolls a d20 and suffers the appropriate result from the Death Save Outcomes table.

When a character gains a Death Save Failure, they must note it on their character sheet. If they already have two Death Save Failures and would gain a third, then they immediately die unless they are able to spend a Fate Point. Once a character has gained a Death Save Failure, spending a Fate Point is the only way for them to lose it.

Death Save Outcomes

d20 Result Outcome
1 Gain 2 Death Save Failures
2-9 Gain 1 Death Save Failure
10-19 No Effect
20 Regain 1 Hit Point


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