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Hit Points

Hit Points are an abstract measure of a creature's physical health and how far they are from death at any given moment. As a creature receives damage in Combat or by other means, their hit points are reduced, to a minimum of zero. A player character's maximum Hit Point value is determined by their level, Class (or Classes), and Constitution modifier (see As a character increases in level, they gain more Hit Points and, thus, become more difficult to kill.

When a character's Hit Points are reduced to less than half of their maximum Hit Point value (rounded up), they become visibly "bloodied" and suffer a Wound. Note that a character can only become bloodied once in a single Combat or scene, meaning that they do not suffer a second Wound if they are healed to above half of their maximum Hit Point value, then reduced below the threshold again before the Combat/scene has finished. If a character is reduced to zero Hit Points, they suffer another Wound and are "dying." Unless they are stabilized with a successful Medicine(WIS) check or their Hit Points are raised above zero, a dying character must make a Death Save each round, placing them at substantial risk of death.


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