The New World


The Calamity sundered the Old World and created the New World. The New World was morphed into a rocky spire with a continent on one side and a mountainous underbelly extending toward the ruins of the world from which it was detatched. The continent on the top half of the New World is called Topside; the interconnected megalopolis on the bottom half is called Underbelly.   Built on and underneath the mountains, The New World was carved out from the Planet when the Godwar ended in The Calamity. With no option to go but up, the center of the New World became an interconnected giant city reaching into the sky. The Underbelly was similarly constructed; it sits atop the spire of rock created by the destruction of the Old World.


Topside appears to be a self-sustaining ecosystem. Natural disasters are no longer present, though the different biomes allow weather phenomena which keeps the ecosystem intact.   Underbelly has virtually no weather phenomena at all, being that it was previously the center of a planet.

Natural Resources

A vast majority of the New World's resources are mined or harvested from Topside and distributed by airship and train to Underbelly. Underbelly has very few ways of creating their own life-sustaining resources and relies on Topside's shipments for these things. Deep water aquifers can be found throughout the continent and are piped both to Topside and Underbelly.  
  Stone mines are found throughout, carved out from the mountains. Ore and precious gems are also found within the rock; most of this is traded to Topside for food, clothes, etc.  
  Farms are sprinkled throughout for grain, vegetables, etc. as well as grazing animals for meat and leather.  
  Hunting and gathering outposts for large game and medicinal plants.  
  Fishing outposts, also where most of the airship terminals are located.
Planetoid / Moon
Included Locations