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"Coidavel grows larger with every eruption. The Southern face is extending more and more. Give it a few more centuries and the lava may start flowing east and west"- Imperial report 45 BF


Coidavel is the largest mountain of the Bitterbite Mountains. It is the southernmost peak of the range


The lowest point of Coidavel are forested in various types that gradually become pines as elevation increases.

Localized Phenomena

Coidavel is an active volcano. All lava flows have been on the southern face of the mountain and it will erupt every few years and has since it's first recorded eruption at the Battle of Flaming Dusk in 1736 BF. It has errupted every few years since that day. Locals of the region say it is an immortal monument to the bravery of the "Flaming" Fourth Imperial Legion

Fauna & Flora

Species of animal and insect common to such mountainous are common when the mountain is quiet. A mass exodus starts when the mountain starts to rumble.

Natural Resources

Coidavel produces very high grade obsidian for those who dare it's upper reaches. The forests in the foothills on the east and west contain many varieties including some hardwoods. No one has ever mined the volcano


Was named by Explorer Telin Tai in 1945 BF during his Imperial maping expedition of the Bitterbite Mountains. He named the mountain after a childhood friend who saved his life. The next and only time it appears in history is when rebels against The Empire fought two legions in the Battle of Flaming Dusk on it's southern face when Coidavel erupted for the first known time. The events gave birth to the legend of "Flaming Fourth"


A fair bit of tourism takes place on Coidavel. Naturalists and many a noble have visited it, those during an eruption viewing themselves lucky... as long as they live through it.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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