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Gates of Falport

Assassin's Gate - once known as the Other West Gate, it became known as the Assassin's Gate after a Drow assassin entered Falport through the Other West Gate and successfully assassinated a North Ward wine merchant; the assassin was also able to successfully avoid execution due to a technicality (see the Gate of Severed Heads, below).

Blackwater Gate - this gate provides access to the Blackwater Bay in Soggybottom...just like two other Falport gates, but for some reason, this is the gate that was stuck with the name.

Crippled Gate - the Crippled Gate gets it name from the fact that the gate lacks of towers to support the walls on either side of it. All Falport gates that have towers to support the city walls, but the Crippled Gate, for reasons not known, has no towers. Also for reasons not known, the walls have stood solid for over three centuries.

Dead Gate - the sole passage between the Central Ward and the City of the Dead lies through this gate.

East Gate - the East Gate opens onto The Trigon and provides access to two of the most important wards in the City (there being 9 most important wards in Falport) - the Central Ward with many of the important civic buildings, the Adventurers Guildhall, the Tower of Science, and the City of the Dead; and the North Ward with its boutique merchants and entertainment venues.

Gate of Coins - money...who doesn't like it. Let's name a gate after it because we like it so much. Connects the Trigon to the North Ward.

Gate of Severed Heads - for centuries the heads of executed criminals were hung or placed on spikes as a warning to those entering the city that committing a crime in Falport could result in what is known as the "Falport Crew Cut". However, about two decades past, a Drow captured after assassinating a wealthy wine merchant successfully argued that, as he entered through the The Other West Gate (now, less confusingly named the Assassin's Gate), he was not afforded the opportunity of being warned that execution was a potential penalty for crimes as serious as murder (*eye roll*). While still found guilty of the crime of murder, his execution was commuted owing to the aforementioned technicality.

The result of this judicial decision was that severed heads are now displayed at all gates into the City of Falport (excluding the Gate of the Griffon, see below) as a measure of fairness to all individuals entering Falport intent on committed serious offenses.

Immediately after being release from The Tanty, the Drow assassin tragically slipped on a patch of horse dung and accidentally garroted himself to death.

Gate of the Anchors - named in recognition of the maritime trade that has made the city so prosperous, the Gate of the Anchors pays homage to the part of a ship that keeps it rooted in place, and prevents forward progress.

Gate of the Griffon - Gate of the Griffon...sounds swanky and regal, don't you think? Well the residents of the High Ward thought it did, and that is all that matters. Your opinion doesn't mean shit.

Golden Bridge Gate - named for the bridge that once crossed the Ursine Stream (then, the Golden Stream), this gate provides egress to the Ursine Stream from the Blackwater Bay.

High-Trade Gate - this gate separates the High Ward from the Trade Ward and effectively, in the eyes of those on the western side the gate, filters out the riff-raff from attempting to enter the ward from the east.

Mage's Gate - south from the Trigon is the Mage's Gate, so named because it opens directly outside the College of the Arcane & Occult's Tower of Science. Also, so named because it doesn't hurt to stroke the ego of a person who can teleport across the continent and dump a fireball in your lap.

Magister's Gate - the Magister's Gate can be found on the south side of the Central Ward, and at the top of the Stairs of the Sword. This gate is favored by visitors to the Adventurers Guildhall and Ehrlenmyer Hall, as they do not need to fight their way through the crowded streets of Falport.

North Gate - the southernmost of all the Falport Gates, it is named for Reginald North, a cartographer noted for having been the first to completely map the city. It is rumored that having his name placed on the southernmost gate of the city both chagrined and flattered Reginald.

South Gate - the name of this gate nearly gave old Reginald North (see North Gate, above) a stroke. While the South Gate is the most northerly gate in Falport, it is actually south of everything north of the city, and hence the name. Do you feel that slight fizzy feeling near the back of your skull? Old Reginald North did.

Staggering Gate - the Staggering Gate, so called because of the large number of people that stagger through it during the evening hours - either due to inebriation or recent mugging - connects Rock Bottom to the western side of Soggybottom. The inebriated are typically staggering back to their homes in Rock Bottom after a long evening of drinking in one of Soggybottom's many pubs and taverns, while the recently mugged are staggering out of Rock Bottom towards the relative safety of Soggybottom.

On Terminus evenings, when the weather is pleasant, local residents of both wards often collect near the Staggering Gate for impromptu viewing parties of the drunk and recently robbed as they pass unsteadily through the gate between the two wards.

West Gate - the westernmost gate in Falport, and located in the West seemed the obvious choice.
City of Falport

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