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Holidays of the Orb

Holidays of the Caimen

Holidays of the Drow

​Holidays of the Dwarves

Roktobeerfest (801-815) - three weeks of drinking and singing to celebrate the beginning of Knees II. It is unclear exactly why the Dwarves celebrate the change in season, as the weather is not generally not a concern underground.
Anvil (XXX) - celebrates stolidness and resolve
Hammer (XXX) - celebrates victories in adversity
Forge (XXX) - celebrates temperance
Foundry (XXX) - New Years celebration

​Holidays of the Goblins

Day of Smiles (225) - a day when Goblins glorify the cherubic Esque and express pleasure in everything in their lives.
Cripesmas - a day when Goblins freely express their disappointments and complaints; a day of arguments and fistfights. Black eyes and tear stained cheeks the day after Cripesmas are signs of a well enjoyed holiday.

Holidays of the High Elves

Bong (420) - the highest of High Elven holy days

Holidays of the Humans

Holidays of the Kenku

​Holidays of the Tabaxi

Feast of the Fancy (827) - a celebration between the Toes of the year - filled with much eating and breakage of drinking vessels.

Holidays of the Tauran

Battle of Broken Cavalry (302) - commemorates the defeat of the Jaccardians at the Battle of Broken Cavalry.
Rain of Pikes (XXX) - a holiday shared with the Dwarves to honor the Dwarves that lost their lives in a battle that lead to strong alliance between Labyrinth and Datan Gor.

Holidays of Datan Gor

Masquerade (XXX) - an exciting holiday where, adults and children both, wear costumes and masks for an evening of parties and revelry. Festivities typically commence at dusk and continue through to the following morning. Originating in Falport, Masquerade has been transplanted, and is very popular, in the dwarven city of Datan Gor.
Rain of Pikes (XXX) - a holiday shared with the Dwarves to honor the Dwarves that lost their lives in a battle that lead to strong alliance between Labyrinth and Datan Gor.

​Holidays of the City of Falport

Freetown Day (069) - a celebration of the founding of the grand city of Falport.
Martyr Days (221-224) - celebrating the four times St. Ignatius was martyred. The holiday is marked by the increased consumption of alcohol and exposed genitalia ...the former is often exchanged for the latter.
St. Ignatius' Day (224) - this is a day for celebrating the fourth (and hopefully final) martyring of St. Ignatius, and is the culmination of Martyr Days. St. Ignatius' Day is a day of burning effigies of St. Ignatius...this celebration has resulted in the Falport burning three times in its history.
Masquerade (XXX) - an exciting holiday where, adults and children both, wear costumes and masks for an evening of parties and revelry. Festivities typically commence at dusk and continue through to the following morning. Originating in Falport, Masquerade has been transplanted, and is very popular, in the dwarven city of Datan Gor.

Holidays of Highholme

Holidays of Isitz

Holidays of Labyrinth

Holidays of Koop

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