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Gathering / Conference

717BF (Knees)

A year after the Tauran embassy was established at Datan Gor, the Tauran ambassador met with the leaders of the Dwarven clans. The ambassador explained that the Tauran people had outgrown the ancient tunnels and caves that they had inhabited for so long, and were not able to expand their subterranean homeland under the Icepick Mountains fast enough to meet the needs of their growing population.

The Tauran ambassador asked the Dwarves to assist in expanding the Tauran homeland, and offered the Debt of Apology in the Promise of Pikes as payment for their service. Unhesitatingly, the Dwarven council agreed, and Dwarven engineers were immediately dispatched to the Icepick Mountains to begin surveying and laying plans.

In Knees II of 717BF, the Dwarven council of Datan Gor met with the ambassador of the Tauran people. Present at this meeting was the chief Dwarven engineer who provided presented a plan to expand the tunnel system beneath the Icepick Mountains that would accommodate the needs not only of the current Tauran population, but would also provide for the needs of their population for many generations to come.

The chief engineer also, with the approval of the council, offered a second solution - an entire new city that would far exceed the expectations of the first plan as well as providing a Tauran capitol that would draw visitors and trade from across Lykos. This new capitol, it was proposed, would result in an increase in prosperity never before known to the Tauran people.

The Dwarven council held their collective breath as the Tauran ambassador weighed the options before him. After several minutes of quiet deliberation, the Tauran ambassador simply stated, “We find a new capitol to be acceptable.” Dwarven records of this meeting record the excitement of the council in trembling handwriting that indicates the excitement of the moment was not that of the council alone.

Related Location
Datan Gor
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The Dwarves (article)
The Tauran
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