Inn of Abiding Respite

The Inn of Abiding Respite (sometimes simply called the Inn of Respite) is a magical place—metaphorically and literally. It is situated on the edge of the town of Haven, up away from the waterfront and half-hidden among a stand of mist-bathed spruce and cedar trees. So while it is close to the town, it seems to sit just outside of its jurisdiction, and most residents consider the inn its own distinct location on the main island. This seems to imbue the location with an extra sense of neutrality or refuge that the archipelago also holds.

The main part of the inn hosts a bar and plenty of tables, with a raised stage off to the side for bards and storytellers, minstrels, small bands, entertainers, comedians, and others.

People You May Meet

The person you are most likely to meet at the Inn is Reylinar "Rey" Bladeswift. He can most often be seen acting in his bartender role in the main tavern of the inn. He seems to head the staff—or, at least, staff members come to him, and he gives various orders and directions. However, Rey is not the owner of the Inn. In fact, nobody is quite sure who, if anyone, owns the place.

Purpose / Function

The inn is meant to serve as lodging and shelter for those that are traveling to the archipelago. But it is also a very popular gathering place for food and drink, accompanied by lively entertainment almost nightly. It is often said that the even deeper purpose of the inn on a metaphysical level is that of safety and safe space for its clientele to simply exist.

Since there are no automobiles in the archipelago, the inn also has a sizable stable on the premises to care for the various horses used by guests and some of the townsfolk.


It is difficult to identify a particular or exact architectural style. Sometimes it resembles something out of a Medieval European fantasy inn. Sometimes it seems like something out of the Elizabethan, American Wild West, or even early modernist Twentieth Century eras.

One of the more subtle magical aspects of the inn is that there always seems to be room for "just one more" person or party. There is always just one more table that becomes available, or one more space at the bar. There is always one more room with a bed. It may not be the kind of room a tourist traveler might demand, but will be the kind of room they need.


There is no record, deed, or other such piece of paper that pinpoints when the Inn of Abiding Respite was built or by whom. When asked, the citizens of Haven simply shrug. A few will tell you that the Inn has simply always been there for as long as they have known it to be.


While there are many guests here that come as tourists to the Mystic Island Archipelago, almost half of the guests actually live on other islands of the archipelago itself. Some are here on business, but many come seeking the company of others who are of like spirit.

Those that are tourists on holiday or vacation that come to this inn are not seeking a superficial stay like some of their counterparts who tend to stick closer to the ferry docks and don't venture as far into the island. These are first-timers or visitors from far-off lands, kingdoms, and empires that feel called more deeply to be here. Perhaps this is why the Inn staff treat them with as much care as they do the Archipelago residents.

One artist's experience of the Inn
Alternative Names
Inn of Respite
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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