Reylinar "Rey" Bladeswift

Reylinar Bladeswift (a.k.a. Rey)

Reylinar is the Innkeeper and Bartender at the Inn of Abiding Respite. However, he doesn't own the place. He just oversees the daily operations and directs the staff to see to the needs of the Inn's guests.

He is a lanky man with a thin handlebar moustache and a slight accent.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is always moving quickly about and can carry loads of bags or trunks as needed. Yet he doesn't appear all that muscular.

Body Features

Some of the Inn gossip speculates that Reylinar may have some Duine ancestry. Some would describe him as lanky, skinny, lithe, or graceful. He sometimes shows off his agility by doing tricks at the bar mixing drinks.

Facial Features

He is quite proud of his mustache. But besides that and his distinctively thick eyebrows, Rey is very cleanly shaven.

Apparel & Accessories

Reylinar is always well dressed in something resembling the bartenders around the turn of the Twentieth Century, give or take a few decades, with a hint of Victorian and/or Gothic influences. When he's not in a more formal jacket, he has on a traditional barkeep apron.

Mental characteristics


Relinar is obviously highly educated. He has an extensive vocabulary, a quick wit, and a knowledge of the arts and humanities only surpassed by that of Adelina Middlemiss, the bookshop proprietress. This extends to the culinary and sommelier arts. As he runs the business operations of the inn, he also has a grasp of management and employee relations. And his listening and people skills suggests a knowledge of psychology and sociology.


Innkeeper and head bartender at the Inn of Abiding Respite. As far as anyone knows, Reylinar has always been at the Inn and nobody knows otherwise.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is obviously highly intelligent, both with a high IQ and in emotional intelligence. (see Education above)


Rey is not fond of bullies, narcissists, or any others who use aggression against vulnerable people.

Personality Characteristics


You could say that Rey's motivation mirrors that of the purpose for the Inn of Respite. He is motivated to see that each and every guest feels welcome, safe, and has an equal opportunity for rest, relaxation, and rejuvination.

The degree in which Rey goes to make the guests at the Inn comfortable is quite high. Guests feel they get special treatment because of Rey, but he insists that he does these things for all the guests who stay there. His attention to detail and his ability to get to know the guests helps to make this happen.


Reylinar always seems impeccably groomed. He seems to take a particular pride in looking good and clean, although it is more about looking professional rather than out of vanity or germophobia.


Family Ties

Rey calls Arielle Rousseau his "sister". In fact, she is his cousin via his mother's younger sister.

Social Aptitude

There is something about Reylinar that puts people at ease to the point where people just open up naturally to him—and it's not just because he is a bartender. He actively listens, but without judgment and rarely does he try to fix people's problems. He does seem to ask some very good questions every once in a while. But it always feels like any revelation or insight that people have during the conversation, it always feels like they have discovered it themselves.

Reylinar is always calm and polite—unflappable, you could say. He never seems to take anything personally, nor does he fall for any guest's subtext. He's firm and assertive when he needs to be. But he is always professional and polite and never seems coercive.


Rey speaks so formally and precisely with a high degree of vocabulary that many people believe that he has an accent—perhaps light British or Southern U.S. gentleman.


Reylinar "Rey" Bladeswift

cousin (Important)

Towards Arielle Rousseau



Arielle Rousseau

cousin (Important)

Towards Reylinar "Rey" Bladeswift



Nicknames & Petnames

Arielle calls Reylinar, "Rey" like most people. But Reylinar is the only one who can call Arielle, "Ari".

Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ah. It appears that a room on the west wing has just opened up. I'll see that Reginald will take your bags up at once. And perhaps after you get settled with a nice bath, you can come down and join us for some live entertainment by a band that I think you'll quite like.
Known Languages

Rey speaks primarily English. He seems to know a great number of languages, at least on a conversational level. He has been observed to speak the following (and likely more):

  • English,
  • French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
  • German, Dutch
  • Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese
  • Arabic, Turkic, Egyptian
  • Persian
  • Jewish/Yiddish
  • Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish
  • Russian & Ukrainian, Romanian
  • Lakota, Cherokee, Lashootseed, (maybe a bit of Navajo?)
  • Hindi, Bengali
  • Bantu & Swahili, Mande, Tutsi
  • Character Prototype

    Physical: Poe, the A.I. Hotel persona in Altered Carbon


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