the outpost

The Outpost lies at the far southeastern side of Kiofthotre, on a rise that overlooks the valley below.   There is a small creek that serves as a water source nearby.

Purpose / Function

This outpost guards the southern boarder against threats to the kingdom that may come from the mountain passes to the south and east. It also overlooks the valley below and can see as far as the main northern road that leads into the kingdom. These days, it has also become the residence of the king and his assistant-companion, Myrah.


The outpost is primarily made of sturdy, thick timber from the southern softwood forests and stone from quarries just a little north of its location in the foothills. It is generally spartan and utilitarian in design, but Myrah is adding little aesthetic touches here and there.


The main defensive structures consist of a tall tower and the timbered walls surrounding a small courtyard. The walls have a wooden walkway and use the tops as defensive crenelations on the parapet. The tower sits on the northeast corner.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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