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Voa The Grey

Life: Voa the Grey emerged as a distinct entity during the ascension of Voa the White, splitting from her to embody the concept of Justice. As the last of the House of Witnesses, Voa the Grey represents the relentless pursuit of justice and the fight against tyranny. Her existence is deeply intertwined with Voa the White's legacy of revolution and progress, yet she stands as a separate force dedicated solely to enacting justice.
  Ordeal: Voa the Grey's creation was a profound ordeal, born from the intense and tumultuous ascension of Voa the White. This separation left her without a physical form or realm, embodying the pure essence of justice. The chosen avatars, who carry her essence, face their own ordeal as they gain immense power but lose their sense of identity. Their singular mission is to sow revolution against tyranny and ensure justice is served, a task that demands absolute dedication and sacrifice.
  Responsibilities: As the Lordess of Justice, Voa the Grey's responsibilities lie in empowering her avatars to fight against oppression and enact justice wherever it is needed. She has no realm to govern, but her influence spreads across all layers, guiding her chosen avatars to bring about revolutionary change and uphold the principles of fairness and justice. Her role is to be a catalyst for justice, ensuring that those who wield her power do so with unwavering commitment to their righteous cause.
  Description: Voa the Grey has no physical form, existing only through her avatars, who are chosen by her essence. These avatars are imbued with immense power but lose all sense of personal identity, becoming instruments of justice. Their objective is to incite revolutions against tyrants and enact justice, driven by the unyielding will of Voa the Grey. Although she has no realm, her presence is felt wherever injustice prevails, her legacy intertwined with the eternal struggle for fairness and equity. Voa the Grey's influence ensures that the fight for justice continues, empowering her avatars to uphold the principles of righteousness and equality.


Voa The Grey

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa the White


Voa the White

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa The Grey


Voa The Black

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa The Grey


Voa The Grey

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa The Black


Voa The Black

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa The Grey


Voa The Grey

Partial of Voa

Towards Voa The Black


Voa the White (Partial of Voa)
Voa The Black (Partial of Voa)
Voa The Black (Partial of Voa)


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