Sister Garaele

Sister Garaele is a Cleric and a member of the Harpers, a semi-secret organization dedicated to preserving historical lore and maintaining the balance between nature and civilization. She has taken over Phandalin's Shrine of Luck Temple, where she provides basic religious services to the small town. This includes funerary preparations and maintenance of the town's small graveyard and crypts. Her specialty is communing with the recently deceased, allowing them final preparations and loving farewells. This power has been recently disrupted by Agatha the banshee, who is enraged with jealousy. Sister Garaele has requested the Owl Friends adventurers to parlay with Agatha to attempt to free her mind from her grip.   Sister Garaele is friendly to all in Phandalin. She even tolerated The Redbrands, although she felt they caused far too much trouble overall. She offers tutelage and guidance to Molly, who works at the temple three days per week.  


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